绯闻女孩大猜想:Blair孩子长啥样? SeeWhatBlair'sBabyWillLookLikeWithChuckORLouis! 绯闻女孩:布莱尔孩子长相大猜想 WeallknowthatBlairiswithchild,butthere'sstillonequestionlingeringinGossipGirlfans'minds:Whotheheckgotherpregnant?WasitherfiancéLouisorhersecret-loverChuck?Wemaynotknowforsure,butwedoknowwhateach...
See What Blair’s Baby Will Look Like With Chuck OR Louis! 绯闻女孩:布莱尔孩子长相大猜想 We all know that Blair is with child, but there’s still one questionlingeringin Gossip Girl fans’ minds: Who theheckgot her pregnant? Was it her fiancé Louis or her secret-lover Chuck? We may ...
说道:Mollie and I have been married over 25 years and her biological clock is ticking fast. We're not getting younger, so she'll take some time off her job so we can have a baby.他说:莫莉和我结婚有二十五年多了。她的育龄期正在飞快流逝her biological clock is ticking fast。我们可不会返...
Sure there are complications along the way like the BABY. If Blair runs out of her own wedding— assuming she leaves Louis— what’s going to happen to their unborn child? 当然还有孩子这件复杂的事情。如果Blair放弃她的婚礼,假设她要离开路易斯,那么他们未出世额孩子要怎么办? Any way, here’s...
See What Blair’s Baby Will Look Like With Chuck OR Louis! 绯闻女孩:布莱尔孩子长相大猜想 We all know that Blair is with child, but there’s still one questionlingeringin Gossip Girl fans’ minds: Who theheckgot her pregnant? Was it her fiancé Louis or her secret-lover Chuck? We may ...
Sure there are complications along the way like the BABY. If Blair runs out of her own wedding — assuming she leaves Louis — what’s going to happen to their unborn child? 当然还有孩子这件复杂的事情。如果Blair放弃她的婚礼,假设她要离开路易斯,那么他们未出世额孩子要怎么办? Any way, here’...
02:41 Ed and Lei baby,U R MINE 上传者:喜欢白色的猫1202 02:22 What_s A SoulMate Gossip Girl Couples 上传者:喜欢白色的猫1202 01:17 gossip girl _ time of our lives 上传者:喜欢白色的猫1202 02:39 Blair Waldorf and her Bitches 上传者:喜欢白色的猫1202 02:29 gossip girl cast good life...
05:38 周杰伦济南演唱会点歌环节——园游 绯闻女孩403 0 9年前 03:43 李一桐金晨献唱《了不起的女孩》宣 聆音乐 0 4年前 02:00 美剧《绯闻女孩》插曲(8)One 嘟的FPA 0 13年前 02:03 八卦天后.Gossip.Girl mangobabydreams 0 12年前 1
02:22 What_s A SoulMate Gossip Girl Couples 上传者:喜欢白色的猫1202 02:41 Ed and Lei baby,U R MINE 上传者:喜欢白色的猫1202 05:25 Chuck and Blair The great love and the right one 上传者:喜欢白色的猫1202 08:01 interview_Ed_Westwick_and_Leighton_Meeter 上传者:喜欢白色的猫1202 07:27...
See What Blair’s Baby Will Look Like With Chuck OR Louis! 绯闻女孩:布莱尔孩子长相大猜想 We all know that Blair is with child, but there’s still one question lingering in Gossip Girl fans’ minds: Who the heck got her pregnant? Was it her fiancé Louis or her secret-lover Chuck? We...