Leighton Meester (born April 9, 1986) is a American actress and aspiring singer-songwriter, best known for her role as the main character Blair Waldorf in the TV show Gossip Girl.Meester's parents, Connie and Doug, were involved in a drug ring that smuggled marijuana from Jamaica...
Many of you are dying to know secrets about the upcoming Gossip Girl season premiere, particularly anything involving one Miss Blair Waldorf and her feelings toward her fiance, Chuck Bass and Dan Humphrey. And while we can’t give everything away we can tell you that she doesn’t have any ...
绯闻女孩:布莱尔孩子长相大猜想 We all know that Blair is with child, but there’s still one questionlingeringin Gossip Girl fans’ minds: Who theheckgot her pregnant? Was it her fiancé Louis or her secret-lover Chuck? We may not know for sure, but we do know what each of herpotential...
Many of you are dying to know secrets about the upcoming Gossip Girl season premiere, particularly anything involving one Miss Blair Waldorf and her feelings toward herfiance, Chuck Bass and Dan Humphrey. And while we can’t give everything away we can tell you that she doesn’t have any s...
WeallknowthatBlairiswithchild,butthere'sstillonequestionlingeringinGossipGirlfans'minds:Whotheheckgotherpregnant?WasitherfiancéLouisorhersecret-loverChuck?Wemaynotknowforsure,butwedoknowwhateachofherpotentialbabieswouldlooklike!Andthat'senoughfornow. ...
At the dinner to discuss the retreat, Lori was eight months pregnant. “I said, ‘That’s when our baby is due,’ and Wendi said, ‘Oh, Chris’ll just fly back for that. Ha ha.’” With her husband, Wendi was “irreverent,” playfully teasing him “like he was a 12-year-old ...
BABY Come Home!!! blair's pregnant!!! xoxo posted bypinkages GG: we hear that c and b have broken up after b found out about s and c night of passion. . . Enters serena going through b's penthouse! Serena: b come on, anda need to . . . i mean. . . ...
As for thepregnancyquestion all we can reveal is you do know which gal is pregnant by the end of the premiere. And everything may notpan outin the way you, ahem, expect. 关于怀孕的问题,我只能透露,在首播集的最后,大家就会知道到底是谁怀孕了。剧情也许会出乎大家的意料。
We all know that Blair is with child, but there’s still one question lingering in Gossip Girl fans’ minds: Who the heck got her pregnant? Was it her fiancé Louis or her secret-lover Chuck? We may not know for sure, but we do know what each of her potential babies would look lik...
We all know that Blair is with child, but there’s still one questionlingeringin Gossip Girl fans’ minds: Who theheckgot her pregnant? Was it her fiancé Louis or her secret-lover Chuck? We may not know for sure, but we do know what each of herpotentialbabies would look like! And ...