Blade Runner's replicants are hunted down on earth by "blade runners" who run tests on potential replicants by measuring their empathy. The tests include eye movement. The blade runners' name recalls the old "hell-runners" of Viking myth, the old hags who would ride to the edge of Hell....
blade runner注定要成为经典 I'v seen things you people would'nt believe attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion,I watch C-beems glitter in dark near the tannhauser gate,All those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain,time to die一艘旗舰慢慢的从窗前升起,虽然这艘飞船...
文/ 杨依依“ I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate.All those...moments will be die . ”“我所见过的事情,你们人...
blade runner FIGHT 啦啦啦啦 SHOOT TO KILL 啦啦啦啦 their time to die 啦啦啦啦 LIKE TEARS IN RAIN 没人能想起阿 别幻想追求永恒 but then again who dose? 甚么能永续长存 but then again who dose? 我的工作是让你们退役 这些问题我没问过自己 ...
在Apple Music 上收听Ronnie Minder的《Blade Runner (An Original Score Inspired By the Motion Picture)》。2019年。11 首歌曲。时长:33 分钟
The Bladerunner 是作者的另一部书,指黑市医疗器械走私商,Blade刀片这里译为手术刀。银翼大概指的是美国政府的鹰标证件。 最后那首诗我在书里是未看到的,非常震撼 I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.I watched C-beams glitter in the dark ...
《Blade Runner》又被称之为银翼杀手...我并不知道这个翻译从何而来。但是乍一听起来十分潇洒。然而我对Blade Runner字面意思的理解是:这是一个刀口舔血的卑微职业,时刻面临着危险时刻准备逃生。而他们从来是一个人。直至死亡,并没有后援... 事实上在电影中他们看起来并没有多么的“特工范”。除了一件风衣与一...
Blade Runner: Regia di Ridley Scott. Con Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Rutger Hauer, Edward James Olmos. Un Blade Runner deve perseguire ed eliminare quattro replicanti che hanno rubato una nave nello spazio e che sono tornati sulla Terra per trovare il lor
Leon: [going to kill Deckard] Wake up! Time to die! Helpful•32 1 Holden: Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about... your mother. Leon: My mother? Holden: Yeah. Leon: Let me tell you about my mother. [Leon shoots Holden with a gun he had...
2007年8月4日(周六)晚6:30 陨石科学放映场第006场——银翼杀手(Blade Runner) 地点:上海静安区康定路1033号同济佳苑酒店公寓5楼会议室 交通线路:地点在康定路上,延平路和武宁南路中间 可乘公交车23路(康定路延平路)935路(延平路或万春街)93路(武宁南路) 联系方式: 021-52283155;13621799514;13671735583 QQ:...