As a blade runner, Deckard must rely on his instincts when dealing with murderous replicants, in order to kill them first. As Deckard’s emotional self develops, he becomes less and less suitable to the task. He feels guilty about killing Salome, has to be saved from Leon by Rachael, alm...
Blade Runner: Regia di Ridley Scott. Con Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Rutger Hauer, Edward James Olmos. Un Blade Runner deve perseguire ed eliminare quattro replicanti che hanno rubato una nave nello spazio e che sono tornati sulla Terra per trovare il lor
Following some initial confusion about this unexpectedly animated memory, I decided to check in withBlade Runner’s literary origin. It turns out Philip K Dick decided that all photographs in 2019 are holographic, which goes at least some way towards explainingBlade Runner’s briefanimated GIFinterl...
Blade Runner is a 1982 science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott, and written by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples. Starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, and Edward James Olmos, it is loosely based on Philip K. Dick’s 1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. The ...
Leading up to the climax, Rick Deckard, a Blade Runner, has managed to kill off all, but “one” replicant. This scene in particular features Deckard almost falling to his death right before the android replicant, Roy, saves Deckard. Afterwards, Roy sits down, delivers his monologue, and ...
This throughline is concerned with the main character's inner conflict. K is the main character inBlade Runner 2049, and his big concern is whether or not he has a soul and what he should do as a result. In the beginning, he is sure he doesn't have a soul, but things happen to ...
Blade Runner - O Caçador de Androides: Dirigido por Ridley Scott. Com Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Rutger Hauer, Edward James Olmos. Um corredor deberá perseguir é acabar com quatro replicantes que roubaram uma nave no espaço, e deberá regresar á
As explained during K’s first visit to Wallace HQ and also in the anime short film,Blade Runner Black Out 2022, Replicant terrorists caused a massive blackout in 2022 that erased all hard drives around the world, deleting most Tyrell data in the process. And while this blackout seemed lik...
Cause of death, Coco? 死因是什么 珂珂 No breaks, no sign of trauma, except... 没有裂痕 没有外伤的迹象 但是... a fracture through the ilium. 髂骨骨折了 It's a narrow birth canal. Baby must have got stuck. 产道狭窄 胎儿一定是被卡住了 ...
–Vangelis Blade Runner Blues 9:03 –Vangelis Desolation Path 5:50 –Vangelis Dr. Tyrell's Death Chorus – The English Chamber Choir Conductor – Guy Protheroe :21 –Vangelis Deckard And Roy's Duel 6:17 –Vangelis Tears In Rain [Alternate Spoken Version] ...