在线看Blade Runner 2049 Baseline Test dubbed with.. 1分钟 26秒。2019 9月 9的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 28 — 已浏览。 1 — 已评价。
《沃伊特·坎普夫测试》 情绪的尽头是沉默 【银翼杀手】女主动人片段 【花絮中字】《银翼杀手2049》拍摄幕后 【4K HDR】《银翼杀手2049》经典配乐《Mesa》 银翼杀手?这花絮在哪 Interlinked. 基准线测试 Baseline Test ——银翼杀手的基线测试,真的好难!
7. Deckard桌上的木刻有 犀牛Rhino 大象Elephant 狮子Lion 加上马Horse 要拼出Rachael 还需要两个A和一...
LAPD: Baseline Scan An advanced version of the ‘Voight-Kampff’ test, the Baseline scans show the view through the optic nerve, suggesting neural activity in the replicant. A reminder of technological progression since the original film, the intention was to achieve a level of abstraction in th...
s baseline test reintroduces the psychopathy of the replicant fromDo Androids Dream…as opposed to the pathos and tragedy given to the replicants ofBlade Runner, which arguably, sentimentalizes and undermines Dick’s conception of the androids. The baseline test is, of course, an update of the...
's son. K visits a memory maker named, Ana, who lives in an isolated bubble due to an immune deficiency. Ana tells him his memory is a genuine memory, not an implant. K concludes that he is Rachael's son. The revelation upsets him so much that he fails his next baseline test....
However, if you’re left feeling a little disjointed, you can always take abaseline test. This feature is FREE to Classic members. Join ournewsletter communityto receive Film and Furniture inspiration direct to your inbox and we’ll UPGRADE you to Classic Membership (which includes access to ou...