(An eight-minute version written by Ryan Gosling, recorded from the concept book The Art and Soul of Blade Runner 2049) The Baseline Test A blood black nothingness began to spin. Began to spin. Let’s move onto system. System. Feel that in your body. The system. What does it feel lik...
在线看Blade Runner 2049 Baseline Test dubbed with.. 1分钟 26秒。2019 9月 9的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 28 — 已浏览。 1 — 已评价。
There’s some fun new tech. I like the grappling kite that disables flying cars. Ilovehis car’s sunroof that’s actually a detachable voice-commanded drone that does his crime scene photography for him. And the “baseline” test he has to take at headquarters to stay obedient. Not unrela...
情绪的尽头是沉默 【银翼杀手】女主动人片段 【花絮中字】《银翼杀手2049》拍摄幕后 【4K HDR】《银翼杀手2049》经典配乐《Mesa》 银翼杀手?这花絮在哪 Interlinked. 基准线测试 Baseline Test ——银翼杀手的基线测试,真的好难! 对仿生人进行图灵测试有点意思...
《影想力》第5集 战狼2:军事专家为你揭秘电影背后的军事细节 不可错过!(高清字幕版) 未来,已来! 人类世界似乎一夜之间走进了赛博朋克时代 #马斯克 #特斯拉Robotaxi #特斯拉发布会 #Tesla #Werobot #Robovan 艳阳灼掉他不值一提的灵魂与爱 听风的蚕10.14番外篇(东大导弹篇9)视频原声:听风的蚕 ...
Adi:The baseline test — which I also love — might be the sticking point, but that’s a pretty big jump from Wallace straight-up ordering a replicant to slit his own throat, like we saw in one of the prequel shorts. You’d think they’d havesomefailsafe that’s mo...
Blade Runner These gorgeous, hand blown, heavy weight, double old fashioned glasses have been made by same Italian glass company in Tuscany since 1974 and areavailable to buy in our store. Why they ended up in Wallace’s office in2049perplexed me at first but Querzola explained: “The whole...
(An eight-minute version written by Ryan Gosling, recorded from the concept book The Art and Soul of Blade Runner 2049) The Baseline Test A blood black nothingness began to spin. Began to spin. Let’s move onto system. System. Feel that in your body. The system. ...