加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特市,美国 - 2021年10月21日,星期四 -Blackmagic Design今日宣布推出DaVinci Resolve 17.4。升级后,在搭载M1 Pro和M1 Max芯片的新款Apple Mac型号上使用DaVinci Resolve可获得高达5倍的速度提升。有了如此大幅度的提速加持,用户就能以更快的速度对8K项目进行播放、剪辑和调色,并且能处理高达12路8...
RMB 17,200 起售 包含 DAVINCI RESOLVE STUDIO 新品 Blackmagic PYXIS 6K 革命性高端数字电影摄影机,搭载新型大画幅RGBW 36 x 24mm传感器、惊人的动态范围、第五代色彩科学、可更换PL、LPL和EF镜头卡口等众多功能! RMB 25,800 起售 新品 Blackmagic PYXIS Monitor ...
DaVinci Resolve Studio 17(达芬奇调色软件 17)是一款编辑以及调色程序!使用旨在为用户提供一站式的解决方案,自由灵活的进行编辑、合成、分级、混合以及全面掌控其细节和所有流程,轻松交付高质量的成果,软件具有领先的技术以及完善的音频、色彩和图像处理能力,在其他
In addition to existing Python and LUA scripting, DaVinci Resolve 17 adds a new workflow integration API and a new encoding API. These APIs allow third party developers to create integrated asset and workflow management solutions for DaVinci Resolve, as well as encoder plug-ins for custom output...
DaVinci Resolve 17.2.1版软件更新!改进了使用网络存储设备时的播放性能,提高了使用调色面板时HDR面板的响应速度,加强了较长时间线音频播放的可靠性。下载链接:http://t.cn/A6V0HeDm
DaVinci Resolve 17 has over 300 new features and improvements including HDR grading tools, redesigned primary color controls, next generation Fairlight audio engine including Fairlight audio core and support for 2,000 real time audio tracks, plus dozens of other time saving tools for editors includin...
电脑、办公 > 电脑组件 > 声卡/扩展卡 > blackmagic design > blackmagic design DaVinci Resolve Studio 17 blackmagic design DaVinci Res... 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销
《DaVinci Resolve 17调色师指南》英文版本今天发布!本次更新版的指南将向您介绍如何使用DaVinci Resolve调色工具,包括各种工作流程、特效和工具,为打造好莱坞水准的优秀作品奠定坚实基础。登陆网站http://t...
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve 17 is a big update packed with a lot of new features plus a brand new Speed Editor panel that will be included free with newDaVinci Resolve 17licenses for a limited time. The Speed Editor retails for $295. The new version is still free and the Studio ...
DaVinci Resolve 17是一次重大更新,这一版本汇集了超过100项新功能和200项改进!调色页面设立了新的HDR调色工具,重新设计了一级校色控制工具,并添加了基于AI的Magic Mask遮罩等功能。Fairlight更新了能提高工作效率的鼠标和键盘编辑选择工具,以及Fairlight Audio Core和FlexBus新一代音频引擎和总线架构,能支持多达2000条轨...