DaVinci Resolve 19新增功能 DaVinci Resolve 19搭载了强大的全新DaVinci Neural Engine AI工具,并对100多项功能进行了大规模升级!新AI工具包括基于文本的时间线剪辑、音乐重混、对白分离以及UltraNR降噪。IntelliTrack AI可让您使用视频跟踪Fairlight音频声像调整。ColorSlice矢量调色和电影风格创建工具提供了更浓郁的调色...
DaVinci Resolve Advanced Panel ハリウッドで働くプロのカラリストの協力のもとに設計されたDaVinci Resolve Advanced Panelは、多数のコントロールを搭載しており、すべてのカラーコレクション機能に直接アクセス可能。 ¥4,598,000(税込価格) ...
DaVinci Resolve includes over 25 Fairlight FX plug-ins for audio repair, creative sound design and mixing. You can also add third party Steinberg VST and Mac audio unit plug-ins. When you drag and drop one to a clip or track, its custom interface window will open so you can adjust its...
DaVinci Resolve includes over 25 Fairlight FX plug-ins for audio repair, creative sound design and mixing. You can also add third party Steinberg VST and Mac audio unit plug-ins. When you drag and drop one to a clip or track, its custom interface window will open so you can adjust its...
blackmagic design DaVinci Resolve Micro Panel18/19达芬奇调色台BMD苹果调色软件高校AI调色教室教学 雷电3(调色台+软件+高清上屏卡) 立即查看 贝阳(beiyang)3*2米绿布专业便携绿幕背景布摄影加厚拍照影视直播绿幕纯色背景抠像布道具支架背景架 立即查看
#后期制作#原创首发#原创视频Blackmagic Design今日宣布推出DaVinci Resolve 19,本次重大更新添加了新AI工具、带来了超过100种功能更新,其中包括IntelliTrack AI、UltraNR降噪、ColorSlice六矢量调色、Film Look Creator电影风格创建FX、多源剪辑、新MultiPoly动态遮罩工具、新Fairlight AI音频声像调整匹配视频、闪避轨道FX、...
blackmagic designBlackmagic Design BMD达芬奇调色软件现场剪辑 Studio 19调色软件 DaVinciResolve Studio19图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Blackmagic Design在2024年度还发布了一些其他的新产品,如:Blackmagic PYXIS 6K摄影机、DaVinci Resolve 19、DaVinci Resolve Replay Editor、DaVinci Resolve Micro Color Panel调色台、ATEM Micro Panel控制面板、Blackmagic Ethernet Switch 360P、SmartView 4K G3监视器、Blackmagic Audio Monitor 12G G3、Blackmagic Cl...
Download DaVinciResolve 19 > Download Demonstration Project Files > Build Your Own Effects with Customizable Templates Fusion effect templates let you create any effect imaginable and apply them to clips on the edit and cut pages! Simply build a composition, save it as a macro, define the parame...
BlackmagicDesign 24-07-17 15:59 发布于 湖北 来自 微博网页版 已编辑 DaVinci Resolve 19 Beta 5发布!为快编页面优化了多画面分割布局;快编页面的时间线右键菜单添加了更多转场设置选项;采用英特尔处理器的Windows系统上AI性能最高可提升3倍。下载链接:O网页链接 û收藏 ...