Black Lives Matter, social movement dedicated to fighting racism and police brutality against Black people. The name Black Lives Matter signals condemnation of the unjust killings of Black people by police and the demand that society value the lives of B
Black Lives Matter (Coursera) The #BlackLivesMatter movement is the most significant political movement in African American life in the United States in the last fifty years. BLM leaders denounced anti-black racism, white supremacy, and police brutality and reshaped how we think about gender, ...
Black Lives Matter Our lives are at risk. The health care system—and everyday individuals—have to do a better job to protect us. By Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Photo by John Russo My life is at risk. Not just because I’m 73 with the usual annoying aches and pains that accompany age, but...
但商业的逻辑和政治的逻辑是不一样的,现在美国平权运动风起云涌,对Black Lives Matter提商标异议就是政治不正确,所以阿迪达斯怂了,其在案件被曝光后迅速撤回了商标异议。有报道称[5]:一位接近阿迪达斯的消息人士称,阿迪达斯之所以迅速转向,是因为担心人们会将阿迪达斯对商标的反对误解为对 Black Lives Matter组织使命的...
这个脸书专页的名称很简单,就是“Black Lives Matter”,看起来很正统。截至2018年4月,该专页拥有近70万名追踪者。它持续地分享与警察暴力和不平等相关的报道链接、在网上募资,甚至还有一个贩卖 BLM 商品的线上商店。 以匿名方式经营这种大型专页并不罕见,一些运动人士不想让自己的名字曝光而引起网络喷子的注意,...
安全机构 abuse.ch最近发现了一个恶意软件传播活动,该活动正在利用“Black Lives Matter”政治口号传播僵尸恶意软件。 黑客故意让电子邮件的标题简短客观,从而有意回避社会或政治立场,而是邀请收件人对此问题进行匿名评论,通过这种吸引用户的主题,扩大攻击的范围。
安全机构 abuse.ch最近发现了一个恶意软件传播活动,该活动正在利用“Black Lives Matter”政治口号传播僵尸恶意软件。 黑客故意让电子邮件的标题简短客观,从而有意回避社会或政治立场,而是邀请收件人对此问题进行匿名评论,通过这种吸引用户的主题,扩大攻击的范围。
双语bilingual:美国“Black Lives Matter”背后:社会公正与人权平等是伪命题 连日来,在美国 “黑人的命也是命” 系列抗议活动 丝毫没有消停的趋势 反而持续升级 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)提到:155年前的6月19日 德克萨斯州的奴隶们终获自由 标志着全美奴隶制度的终结 而时至今日,就在今年的“六月节”(June...
"According to its website Black Lives Matter, Inc is NOT a charity. It is a full-fledged corporation that does NOT have any locations," said Candace Owens in a June 11 tweet. "Can anyone tell me then where the hundreds of millions BLM has raised goes?" The tweet, which has ...