Black Lives Matter is working inside and outside of the system to heal the past, reimagine the present, and invest in the future of Black lives.
Short listicle featuring organizations to know about and donate to and help keep the Black Lives Matter movement momentum going.
Since 2013, extrajudicial police killings of black people have captured the attention of U.S. and international media, substantially because of the work of leaders in the Black Lives Matter (#BLM) movement. #BLM is simultaneously a group of localized organizations and a broad online social ...
Black Lives Matter as a movement represents the hopes and dreams of leftist organizers who shared with us that, until now, they had never felt such a sense of hope and excitement that their goal – as one operative put it, “total social upheaval,” and “systemic change” – could be r...
As #BlackLivesMatter developed throughout 2013 and 2014, we utilized it as a platform and organizing tool. Other groups, organizations, and individuals used it to amplify anti-Black racism across the country, in all the ways it showed up. Tamir Rice, Tanisha Anderson, Mya Hall, Walter Scott...
Civil Rights Activism in Post-1968 America: Issues & Organizations Welfare Queen Myth | Origin & Effects How Civil Rights Influenced the Environmental Justice Movement Shelby County v. Holder | Summary, Decision & Impact Black Lives Matter Movement | BLM History, Goals & Accomplishment 6:49...
organizations at least know about Black Lives Matter (BLM), which is less a traditional organization and more a movement of loosely affiliated activists across the country united by the credo that is their name. The backlash in which white people proclaimed All Lives Matter clearly had no ...
Dr. Melina Abdullah, Director of Black Lives Matter Grassroots offers painful revelations steeped in facts and uncomfortable truths.
That more focused approach is not, however, representative of BLM as a whole. It may be telling that the Mckesson organizations have not officially affiliated themselves with M4BL, whose statements of grievances and objectives differ significantly from those of Campaign Zero. Mckesson clearly takes...
We are exploring ways to contribute financially in an on-going manner to organizations embedded in the Black Community, including the National Organization of Minority Architects and Black Girls Code. I'll be sharing more details in regard to our internal and external efforts in the following weeks...