Black Lives Matter, social movement dedicated to fighting racism and police brutality against Black people. The name Black Lives Matter signals condemnation of the unjust killings of Black people by police and the demand that society value the lives of B
Black Lives Matter is working inside and outside of the system to heal the past, reimagine the present, and invest in the future of Black lives.
Welcome to the Black Lives Matter Transparency Center. We are embracing this moment as an opportunity for truth-telling, accountability, and healing. We aim to move forward into this next chapter heeding the lessons we have learned from both our achievements and missteps, and are renewing our ...
black lives matter!Blacklivesmatter!•Blacklivesmatter.•黑人的生命也要珍惜•黑人的命也是命•Alllivesmatter.•Alllivesmatter,blackorwhite.•Allchoicesmatter,badorright.HistoryofBlackAmerican •TheearlyEuropeancoloniesinAmericalookedforasupplyofcheaplaborfortheirplantations.•In1619twentyAfricans...
A Statement from Montgomery History June 4, 2020 Montgomery History expresses its sincere condolences to the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the countless others in our country who have lost loved ones and suffered from systemic racism. As an organization we are commit...
`` Black Lives Matter `` “Black Lives Matter” —an intended progression in society without a hierarchy, merely marching forward by spur of the people. Started by three sisters who continue to keep the organization a chapter-based, left wing social justice operation, it can best be described...
Critical Analysis: Black Lives Matter Organization & Discourse Community 3 Pages1222 Words A discourse community is a group of people who share a set of goals, which are basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. The ability to communicate is very important to a...
Brief History Black Lives Matter began in July 2013, when George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old neighborhood watch coordinator of Hispanic-German descent, was acquitted of homicide charges in the 2012 fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old black high school student, in Sanford, Florida. Al...
Black Lives Matter is renewing its calls to defund the police as the organization marks a major milestone. Activists founded the global movement 10 years ago this week after the acquittal of the man who fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. DeRay Mckesson joined CBS News to talk about the...
See K-Y Taylor, From#Blacklivesmatter to Black Liberation(2016); C. J. Lebron, The Making of Black Lives Matter: A Brief History of an Idea(2018), B. Ramsey,Making All Black Lives Matter: Reimagining Freedom in the Twenty-First Century(2018), P. Kahn-Cullors with A. Bandele,When ...