It is no surprise that an organization, "Black Lives Matter" was formed to protest the incessant shootings and killings of Blacks in the United States. Then, if "Black Lives Matter" as I know they do, they must matter in education and society. This is the focus of the article....
In this study, we sought to understand how Black lives matter (BLM) epistemology, as displayed through six months of social media content from official accounts, can inform a racially liberatory pedagogy in higher education for Black and other racially minoritized students. We found BLM, through ...
3. If "Black lives matter," TRULY, why do fewer than 40% of Black males CHOOSE to graduate from High School, securing a foundational education that is FREE for the taking? 4. If "Black lives matter," why are 73% of ALL American Black babies illegitimately born (read that, born into...
Black Lives Matter - have we seen any progress in dentistry? 2020. Available at (accessed December 2020). Dental Schools Council and Health Education England. Filling you in: Dental work experience toolkit. 2016. ...
We are intervening on new and existing policies to reimagine a world without punitive measures and create a world where Black people have all that we need: food, education, housing, health care, clean water, breathable air, and everything else foundational to personal and communal safety. Arts...
双语bilingual:美国“Black Lives Matter”背后:社会公正与人权平等是伪命题 连日来,在美国 “黑人的命也是命” 系列抗议活动 丝毫没有消停的趋势 反而持续升级 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)提到:155年前的6月19日 德克萨斯州的奴隶们终获自由 标志着全美奴隶制度的终结 而时至今日,就在今年的“六月节”(June...
“Black Lives Matter”街头游行 其实最早可追溯到2013年↓↓ 据澳大利亚广播公司(ABC News)报道,2012年2月,美国17岁非裔青年Trayvon Martin被社区巡逻员枪杀,次年该巡逻员被判无罪,社交网络上发起的 Black lives matter话题随后成为反种族...
“Black Lives Matter”街头游行 其实最早可追溯到2013年↓↓ 据澳大利亚广播公司(ABC News)报道,2012年2月,美国17岁非裔青年Trayvon Martin被社区巡逻员枪杀,次年该巡逻员被判无罪,社交网络上发起的 Black lives matter话题随后成为反种族歧视抗议的口号,次年正式出现了以这一话题命名的抗议活动。▲ ...
100天专业博文阅读挑战——教育篇 DAY-25up主目前刚从其他专业转到教育,发起这项挑战除了分享以外也是为了监督自己多了解一些教育相关的专业知识~欢迎大家互相交流,一起进步呀原文:
“Black Lives Matter”街头游行 其实最早可追溯到2013年↓↓ 据澳大利亚广播公司(ABC News)报道,2012年2月,美国17岁非裔青年Trayvon Martin被社区巡逻员枪杀,次年该巡逻员被判无罪,社交网络上发起的 Black lives matter话题随后成为反种族歧视抗议的口号,次年正式出现了以这一话题命名的抗议活动。▲ ...