A captivating biographical drama that delves into the life and career of legendary singer Aretha Franklin, from her humble beginnings as a gospel singer to her rise as the undisputed Queen of Soul. This powerful film offers an intimate look at her struggles with personal demons, family turmo...
Juneteenth Unityfest TheJuneteenth Unityfest, happening in Brooklyn, New York on Father’s Day, will celebrate the role that gospel music and church have historically played in uplifting the Black community and the stories of Black dads striving to uplift their own communities and families ...
According to Wexler, Atlantic was in the business of Luciferian Shitholing “taking the gospel songs and putting the devil’s words to them.” They weren’t representing Black culture, but a self-destructive Black sub-culture in violation of our human rights. They were promoting icons that sp...
At the same time, the AIDS crisis was dealing a blow to the worldwide gay dance scene, curbing its unbridled celebration and sexual adventurousness. “You could tell that the behavior of the consumer in those parties was not about just getting laid anymore,” saysInsomniac’s Carlos Correal,...
The beats and sounds of these genres influenced rock, soul, gospel, swing, be-bop, boogie-woogie, and other genres of music. Famous rock bands like The Rolling Stones and The Beatles credit blues and jazz as major influences of their music. In fact, a lot of Elvis Presley’s songs were...
Since 2000 Bigg Feva has written and arranged a multitude of R&B, Rap, Jazz, Gospel and pop songs. In 2002 Bigg Feva released, "Don't Go down without a Fight", a collection of songs that provides a glimpse in the inner cities of the United States. Lyrics and Life was released in...
Apple Musicsubscribers will be able to listen to a month-long experience that highlights musicians in jazz, blues, soul, gospel, R&B, pop, and hop hop. Curated playlists, essays, original videos, and other items will be offered from Black influences, musicians, authors, and direc...
and played the brainyOgilviein the originalThe Bad News Bears, and its first sequel,The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training.He also starred as “Phillip” inThe Cay, a TV movie about a black Caribbean Islander and a white American boy lost on an island. ...
In 1961 at the dawn of Jamaica’s ska era,Toots Hibbertmet singers Nathaniel "Jerry" Matthias and Henry "Raleigh" Gordon and they formed the Maytals. The trio released several hits for Dodd including the rousing, "Six and Seven Books of Moses," a gospel-drenched ska track that’s essentia...
But, his grandfather, James Cannon, Sr., had a lot to say aboutMariah Carey,theOZand his grandson, publicly. He lashed out atMariah, claiming that she never tried to save their marriage, and even insinuated that she might have been unfaithful with her then fiancé,James Packer-the WONDERF...