A captivating biographical drama that delves into the life and career of legendary singer Aretha Franklin, from her humble beginnings as a gospel singer to her rise as the undisputed Queen of Soul. This powerful film offers an intimate look at her struggles with personal demons, family turmo...
An exceptional gospel singer known for her soaring, crystal-clear vocals and uplifting musical messages, she has brought gospel music to the mainstream throughout her career. With songs like "Open My Heart" and "The Battle is the Lord's," her powerful voice and unwavering faith have earned ...
The heavenly emissary is supposed to help the good reverend over his midlife crisis, but he is distracted by the cleric's lovely young wife. A remake with gospel music of the "The Bishop's Wife". Released: 1996 Directed by: Penny Marshall Also ranks #9 on The Best Movies About Angels...
According to Wexler, Atlantic was in the business of Luciferian Shitholing “taking the gospel songs and putting the devil’s words to them.” They weren’t representing Black culture, but a self-destructive Black sub-culture in violation of our human rights. They were promoting icons that ...
But when an older man—a fellow slave—seeks to gain favor by preaching the master’s gospel on the plantation, the enslaved begin to turn on their own. Isaiah and Samuel’s love, which was once so simple, is seen as sinful and a clear danger to the plantation’s harmony. With a ...
The Jeffersons(1975-1985) jumps right into the concept of upward mobility. There’s nothing that captures their joy of getting “a piece of the (American Dream) pie” like the theme song. Similar toGood Times, it features a powerful female leading vocal with a gospel choir in the back...
Today’s music landscape wouldn’t exist without black performers. Singers like Sister Rosetta Tharpe and Big Mama Thornton built rock-and-roll music. Folk music often borrowed from gospel and soul. Electronic genres from house to techno came out of Black communities across the U.S. — not ...
The Marshall Tucker Band's legacy was framed by the tone-setting bluegrass and country of their upstate South Carolina youth, though they weren't limited to those basic influences. Songs like "Can't You See," their first charting song, were completed with notable jam-band and jazz elements....
Notably switching gears for the warm, folksy gospel movie "Joyful Noise" (2012), he also turned up briefly on the TV mystery series "Revenge." In 2013, Vance successfully returned to his theater roots, playing editor Hap Hairston in the tabloid-centric Nora Ephron play "Lucky Guy," a ...