A Christian singer who faced backlash for a performance at a 2020 tour to protest the impact of COVID shutdowns on churches sang “America the Beautiful” during the pre-show. An already-teased Super Bowl ad for a fast food chain featured a scantily clad TikTok influencer, marking the retu...
Mark’s Churches of Wilson, North Carolina, 1856-1995, I found this: “… [Rev. John Henry Mingo] Pollard was in charge for two years, then was succeeded by Basil B. Tyler who stayed two years. “Tyler had been admitted as a candidate for holy orders in Washington, D.C. He then ...
Convened by the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA (popularly, the NCC), the "National Consultation on the Negro in the Christian Ministry" endeavored to grapple with what one NCC staffer identified as "the peculiar urgency of the problems surrounding the Negro in the ...
We also have our Pauls and Timothys, men selected by the local churches in Gondar to "preach the kingdom of God and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 28:31). God's living presence in them is their direction and power, and obedience is their motivation. I cannot thank God enou...
I pray that all of our churches will have so clear an understanding of the action of God's grace in the world that missions will no longer be the hobby of a few but the passion of us all. Let's do our best to ascertain where God is acting in the world and move our resources ...