Valentine adds in a footnote: “Tyler later returned to Wilson, was baptized ‘by immersion in the creek hard by,’ and became a Baptist before he ‘crossed the river,'” i.e. died in the wreckage of a collapsing building. What happened to Tyler between 1904, when he left Wilson to ...
Savage locates the roots of this tension in a "dispute over the power of men and women within black Baptist churches where women were the primary fundraisers and organizers but were denied access to positions of authority and governance (Savage 2008, p. 183). 22 Proctor could hardly have ...
The thousands of unconverted members of Baptist churches in America comprise a huge unevangelized opportunity. That's why in my bio I write that Becky and I are missionaries to Mecklenburg County, Virginia, as well as to Ethiopia. Our field is the world. I pray that all of our churches ...
Last year's chart showed my weight as 223. Today I weighed in at 213. I feel great except for my foot. Since I have to stay off my feet, today's goals are to work on my grammar revision and prepare for Sunday's talk on missions at Mount Tirzah Baptist Church in Charlotte Court ...