BL_MCU_SDK also provides support for RTOS porting, LVGL porting, cloud connections such as AWS, Tensorflow Lite porting and usage, etc., to help developers deploy AI in the IoT field faster and better, and achieve more intelligent interaction and interconnection of intelligent scenarios application...
简介 BouffaloSDK是 Bouffalo Lab 提供的 IOT 和 MCU 软件开发包,支持博流智能所有系列芯片,也是bl_mcu_sdk和bl_iot_sdk的结合体。 SDK 架构 代码目录 LHAL 支持 LHAL是博流为统一通用外设接口而设计的驱动库,代码精炼并且支持博流所有系列芯片,方便用户使用和移植到其他平台。 备注:√表示已支持;×表示未支持;...
bouffalolab/bouffalo_sdk Star387 BouffaloSDK is the IOT and MCU software development kit provided by the Bouffalo Lab Team, supports all the series of Bouffalo chips. Also it is the combination of bl_mcu_sdk and bl_iot_sdk wifirisc-vbl602bouffalolabbl702bl808bl616 ...
BouffaloSDK is the IOT and MCU software development kit provided by the Bouffalo Lab Team, supports all the series of Bouffalo chips. Also it is the combination of bl_mcu_sdk and bl_iot_sdk。 SDK Architecture Code Directories NameDescription bsp/board clock, pinmux, memoryheap and console...
4:export BL_SDK_PATH 这一步每次重开都要重新来一次,否则会找不到编译链。有长效修改的方法,可自行搜索尝试。 2:LVGL体验 LVGL是由来自匈牙利首都布达佩斯的 Gábor Kiss-Vámosi最早于2016年编写并开源的一款可运行于低资源的MCU设备上的开源嵌入式GUI库(轻量级通用型图形库)。
689积分: 823个人网站Re: 博流智能将要推出杀手级芯片bl808(可以跑linux)官方的github、gitee都有提及BL...
Sipeed Examples(github) Bouffalolab SDK(github) SDK 使用指南: 交流QQ 群:816177882。点我加群 论坛 九、注意事项# 项目注意事项 静电防护请避免静电打到 PCBA 上;接触 PCBA 之前请把手的静电释放掉 ... Online model Business ตอนนี้หมดแล้วCNY 710.06-795.04/piece Nanopi R5S เราเต... Sold by Chip Board Store(Trader) Ship to Canada AliExpress commitment Free shipping Delivery:Mar 23 - 30 Fast delivery US $0.68 coupon code if delayed Refund if package lost ...
git clone git clone 分别为FreeRTOS版本的sample和SDK (3)下载交叉编译器 RTOS对应toolchain为: Xuantie-900-gcc-elf-newlib 下载地址: (平头哥芯片开发社区,免费注册后即可下载) dl...