Graph displaying utilities expressed for alternative models of care by cancer survivors overall.Reg=registrar doctor; GP=general practitioner; SpecNurse=specialist nurse; cont=continuity of care; all=continuity of care; dietary advice and one-to-one counselling; P=probability of uptake estimate. Full...
This is often interpreted at the level of the individual clinician, but Freedman (1987) has advocated the concept of clinical equipoise, which says that even if an individual doctor has preferences for one treatment, it is ethical to randomise while genuine uncertainty remains in the clinical ...
2005;Scottish Government, 2009). In England, patients referred from primary care with suspected cancer should be seen in secondary care within 2 weeks (hence the common term ‘2-week wait referrals’;Meechan et al, 2012;Department of Health, 2000) and begin...
If the research project is to develop and manufacture a cell-based therapeutic product, then using the primary cells will remain under HTA regulation until the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) classifies the product as an Investigational Medicinal Product (IMP) or an ...