Eleven tools made use of single centre datasets from; The John Wayne Cancer Institute (USA) [39], The Melanoma Institute Australia [17], Memorial Sloan Kettering (USA) [13], Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) [40], Mayo Clinic, Rochester (USA) [41], Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queensland, ...
Both suggested that consultant-led follow-up was the preferred model of care. Our interviews confirmed that this was also the view held by many of our 27 interviewees, with most currently being seen face-to-face by cancer specialists at an outpatient hospital clinic. Cancer follow-up was ...
A clinican might specify a clinically useful difference that it is hoped could be detected, and would then estimate the required sample size. Perhaps we wish to be reasonably certain of obtaining a 'significant P-value' if the survival advantage to a new treatment is 5% at 2 years. The ...
The time fiom GP's ltter to clnic visit was shorter in women from affluent areas (afflunt: nmfian 6 days, IQR I to 14; deprived.: menn 7 days, IQR 4 to 20, Z = -2.89, p = 0.004), and the time to surgey firo clinic visit was also shorter ( affluent: median 15 days, IQR...