“Satoshi Nakamoto” created Bitcoin in response to the financial crisis of 2008 when he published his white paper “Bitcoin-A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System.” In general, since bitcoin is used in daily speech as a synonym for cryptocurrencies (like Kleenex for tissue) the authors use ...
Download Bitcoin WhitepaperExtract the original Bitcoin Whitepaper as PDF directly from the blockchain of your node.Bitcoinminds.org local on RaspiBlitzmake the BitcoinMinds.org educational link collection locally available on your RaspiBlitz.
Download Bitcoin WhitepaperExtract the original Bitcoin Whitepaper as PDF directly from the blockchain of your node.RTL WebinterfaceThe RTL Webinterface is available as an LND & c-lightning control dashboard you can run in your browser with a nice GUI. It offers much more control over your ...