This page shows whether different Bitcoin sites serve the original Bitcoin whitepaper or an edited version of it. Once an hour we calculate SHA-256 hashes of the files and compare them with the hash of the original whitepaper (that would be b1674191a88ec5cdd733e4240a81803105dc412d6c6708d53...
If you're using a Mac and want a refresher on the basics of Bitcoin, good news—blogger Andy Baio has discovered that "every modern copy of macOS" has included a copy of Satoshi Nakomoto's original Bitcoin white paper, hidden away in macOS system folders and accessible with ...
Long after Bitcoin’s creation and Genesis Block, we still don’t know Satoshi Nakamoto’s real identity. Satoshi might have been an individual or perhaps a group of people. Satoshi first mentioned the Bitcoin whitepaperon a cryptography mailing list (, publishing the PDF on Bitcoi...
想要看书的话,No Starch有一本Bitcoin for the Befuddled,偏入门向,O'Reilly有Mastering Bitcoin和Bloc...
Bitcoin whitepaper: Written by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, thisdocumentoutlines the concept and principles behind Bitcoin and serves as a foundation for anyone looking to understand the network’s design and functionality. Official BTC website:Bitcoin.orgprovides a wealth of information regarding ... 《中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)比特币白皮书中文版》 《比特币开发者指南英文版》 ...
Download Bitcoin WhitepaperExtract the original Bitcoin Whitepaper as PDF directly from the blockchain of your local on RaspiBlitzmake the educational link collection locally available on your RaspiBlitz.
A widespread security claim of the Bitcoin system, presented in the original Bitcoin white-paper, states that the security of the system is guaranteed as long as there is no attacker in possession of half or more of the total computational power used to maintain the system. This claim, ...
Download Bitcoin WhitepaperExtract the original Bitcoin Whitepaper as PDF directly from the blockchain of your node.RTL WebinterfaceThe RTL Webinterface is available as an LND & c-lightning control dashboard you can run in your browser with a nice GUI. It offers much more control over your ...
both in terms of its dollar price as well as its development and support. Its reputation and large market capitalization are astounding for an idea that started as an anonymous research paper. To enjoy these accomplishments, Bitcoin had to endure several diversions from its original white paper: ...