通过Bitbucket REST API获取Pull Request的详细信息。你可以使用以下API端点来获取Pull Request的信息: GET /repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests/{pull_request_id}:获取指定Pull Request的详细信息。 在获取到Pull Request的详细信息后,你可以从返回的JSON数据中提取出修改后的...
获取一个pull request 的diff: https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/{username}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests/{pullrequestID}/diff 举例: curl-u yourbitbucketemail@xx.com:yourpassword https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/lt-dev/backend/pullrequests/7272/diff 发起一个pull request, 记得带...
在“Pull requests”选项卡下,可以看到所有的拉取请求列表。 每个拉取请求旁边都有一个ID。 API: Bitbucket提供了REST API来获取拉取请求的信息。 可以使用以下API端点来获取拉取请求列表: 可以使用以下API端点来获取拉取请求列表: 其中,{projectKey}是项目的键,{repoSlug}是仓库的标识符。 通过API获取到的响应...
Applying a filter to pull request API helps us retrieve the list of merged pull requests for a specific source and destination branches. Solution API to be used: curl -s -u <USERNAME>:<APP_PASSWORD> "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositorie...
Get started with Bitbucket Server Using Bitbucket Server Importing code from an existing project Creating projects Creating repositories Clone a repository Personal access tokens Controlling access to code Workflow strategies in Bitbucket Server Using pull requests in Bitbucket Server Create...
com.majera.aed: Error when requesting 'Get overview pull requests' Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException: Cannot deserialize value of type com.majera.api.bitbucket.cloud.dto.BitbucketMergeStrategyDTO from String "squash_fast_forward": not one of the values accepted ...
githubgitdockerrustgithub-apibitbucketpubsubrust-langcode-reviewpull-requestshacktoberfestbitbucket-apiservice-wsled-db UpdatedDec 5, 2024 Rust i9shankar/ps-bitbucket Star9 PowerShell module to interact with Atlassian Bitbucket bitbucketbitbucket-apibitbucket-powershell ...
curl --user <user>:<pass> -L -s -XGET "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/<owner>/<repo>/pullrequests/<pr_id>/diff" Thanks again! David Like Theodora Boudale Atlassian Team September 14, 2021 Hi David, Thank you for your reply. I assumed that you were already using cu...
The plugin offers integration with Atlassian Bitbucket. It works with both Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Data Center (6.x or later). Basic features: Review pull requests right in your favorite IDE, leave comments, create tasks. Easily navigate through co
X-RateLimit-Limit: Represents the total number of requests permitted per hour. Note, this is not the number of remaining possible requests X-RateLimit-Resource: Identifies the API endpoint resource group receiving scaled rate limits X-RateLimit-NearLimit: A boolean value indicating whether less th...