Community Products Bitbucket Questions Error when creating a Pull Request in Repository Error when creating a Pull Request in Repository Joseph K I'm New Here July 2, 2014 Hi, Just starting out on stash here and I have had the following error code when trying to select a source branch when...
In this case, that will be the Pull Request Overview summary extension point.1 2 // #/src/my-app/extensions/first-extension.js import { LinkExtension } from '@atlassian/clientside-extensions'; /** * @clientside-extension * @extension-point bitbucket.ui.pullrequest.overview.summary */ ...
It currently supports opening Pull Requests against repositories hosted on GitHub, Github Enterprise, Azure DevOps, GitLab, BitBucket, and AWS CodeCommit.Dependabot-Core is a library, so you'll need an entrypoint script of some kind. Here are a few examples to help you get started.Note: ...
In the /src/my-app/extensions/first-extension.js file:Use the diff toolbar extension point: bitbucket.ui.pullrequest.diff.toolbar. Use the label attribute to add a text to the button that will open your modal. Import ModalExtension from @atlassian/clientside-extensions, and use its factory...
Hello, Firstly thank you all for the contributions! This theme really is amazing and elegant! I have been trying to follow the code here: for creating my own hom...
bitbucket 云 注意 您只能在集群中使用经过身份验证的 scm api 配置一个 git 连接。此连接可供集群的所有用户使用。集群的所有用户都可以使用您为连接配置的安全令牌访问存储库。 如果将 git 解析器配置为使用经过身份验证的 scm api,您还可以使用匿名 git 克隆引用来检索管道和任务。 流程 要编辑 tektonconfig ...
bitbucket cloud を使用している场合、この设定は必要ありません。 5 scm プロバイダー api トークンを含むシークレットの名前。 6 トークンを含むトークンシークレット内のキー。 7 トークンシークレットを含む名前空间 ( default でない场合)。 8 オプション: 认证された api を...
also be due to a very specific usage of specific features, which we did not expect or test. In this case we would like you to describe your use-case in the forum so we can find a solution or, if you are capable of solving the issue yourself, create a pull-request on bitbucket. ...
I used pythons built-in Unit Test Framework UnitTest, and making reference to this page which clearly highlights many methods that are availible on the Flask Response Object.My UnitTests were seperated into two main ...
it should be possible to add bitbucket and github support. This might be added at a later stage Releases4 1.0.5: [TASK] Add TYPO3 13 CompatibilityLatest Aug 6, 2024 + 3 releases Packages No packages published Languages PHP97.4% Shell2.6%...