在fork项目中点击pull requests -> create pull request 来发起一个pull request 下图中可以明显看出,我们需要发起一个由fork项目向源项目合并的 pull request 此时点击左下角创建即可,提交之后的状态如下: 可以看出pull requests 中已经有一个open状态的 pull request。这个状态还有merged 和 declined,分别对应已经成功...
API :GEThttps://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/{username}/{repo_slug}/diff/{spec} {username} 就是username, 此次repo所属的用户(私有库) {repo_slug} 就是打开bitbucket库后,显示在URL里的库名 {spec} 就是commit, 可以是2个commit, 这样写A..B, 也可以是一个commit, 这样写A, 一个commit...
最后一步是在 Bitbucket 上提出拉取请求。返回我们分叉的登陆页面,再次查看侧边栏。您将看到一些新选项:这次,单击 Create Pull Request 链接。随后将进入一个页面,该页面自动汇总传出的变更集并显示它们的差异(“差异”显示两个版本之间的差异或变化)。您还可以添加描述(建议这样做!)和任何评论:最后,您将被重定向...
使用git commit和git push将代码提交到自己的Bitbucket仓库中,具体指令如下: git commit -a -m "Add first draft of some feature" git push origin some-branch 这时她的变更就可以让项目维护者或其他协作者看到了 第五步:发起Pull Request Bitbucket 上有了小红的功能分支后,小红可以用她的Bitbucket账号浏览到...
In your pom.xml you will also need to change or add configuration for thebitbucket-maven-plugin(depending on whether you are supporting both Stash and Bitbucket Server, or just Bitbucket Server): <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>com.atlassian.maven.plugins</groupId> ...
The bitbucket:repoPullRequestCard module adds a card on the right hand sidebar of the pull request page.PropertiesPropertyTypeRequiredDescription key string Yes A key for the module, which other modules can refer to. Must be unique within the manifest. Regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ resource st...
Bitbucket Cloud: update "latest reviewed" commit whenever "Finish Review" is performed Bitbucket Cloud: fix showing comments on wrong lines sometimes Bitbucket Server: fix "Apply suggestion" (it didn't work on some platforms) 2024.2.0.x ...
By default, the pull request title will contain the commit message or branch name. The description will populate with any existing commit history if no description template is being used in the project or repository.Use mentions (to notify another user), and markdown (to add formatting) in ...
Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 304 Commits src .gitignore .travis.yml COPYING Jenkinsfile README.md pom.xml Bitbucket Pull Request Builder Plugin This Jenkins plugin builds pull requests from Bitbucket.org and will report the...
Hello experts, I am trying to do a commit using the Bitbucket cloud rest api v2.0, but get an HTTP 500 error. The error response does not have enough information in it to investigate further as it j... 684 views 6 0 Anoop Pavuluri October 5, 2023 Question bitbucket bitbucket-clou...