Directions on what to do if you miss a pill can vary between different brands of birth control pills. It is always best to review the specific instructions in your Patient Information Handout and speak to your health care provider about your individual case. The directions below are for ...
Each student is given a handout containing profiles of 3 women who are trying to decide whether or not to take OCs. The student must evaluate each characteristic in the profile, provided here, and indicate whether it is a risk or a benefit for the woman in question. The reason(s) for ...
Obstetric violence is, in its simplest form, a form of violence against women that occurs in the childbirth setting. It is an attempt to control a woman’s body and decisions and may involve coercion, bullying, threats, and withdrawal of support, as well as other violations of informed conse...
birth rates in younger people have also gone down in countries that do not use birth control, so we can’t isolate birth control as the main reason. It’s thought that, worldwide, there are other social, cultural