Directions on what to do if you miss a pill can vary between different brands of birth control pills. It is always best to review the specific instructions in your Patient Information Handout and speak to your health care provider about your individual case. The directions below are for ...
Are you a dedicated doula seeking to provide comprehensive support to expectant mothers throughout their labor journey? Look no further! Our Labor Signs Handout Template is the ultimate resource to empower and educate both you and your clients. With ...
Obstetric violence is, in its simplest form, a form of violence against women that occurs in the childbirth setting. It is an attempt to control a woman’s body and decisions and may involve coercion, bullying, threats, and withdrawal of support, as well as other violations of informed conse...
Please see our handout onTalking about Due Dates for Providersfor tips on how providers can discuss the risk of stillbirth. The second important thing that you need to understand is that there are different ways of measuring stillbirth rates. Depending on how the rate is calculated, you can ...
In hindsight, I may have done it a little differently, but it worked out OK. Mainly, the changes in my body with the new pregnancy made me feel extremely vulnerable. I knew I had little control over if this pregnancy would continue successfully or not — knowing what I do about rates...
Concerned by this outbreak, the hospital asked the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to look into the situation. Researchers from the CDC examined Tennessee hospital records and found that between the years 2007 and 2012, there had been zero cases of Vitamin K deficiency bleeding out of more ...