Thirty patients with bipolar affective disorder current episode mania diagnosed according to ICD-10 criteria and thirty normal participants matched in age and gender were taken for the study. Participants were individually assessed on cognitive symptom checklist to examine the status of cognitive functions...
Early and accurate diagnosis is difficult in clinical practice as the onset of bipolar disorder is commonly characterized by nonspecific symptoms, mood lability or a depressive episode, which can be similar in presentation to unipolar depression. Moreover, patients and their families do not always ...
Bipolar disorder, is a psychiatric diagnosis or a mood disorder that is defined in the DSM-IV-TR. It is a disorder, characterized by periods of extreme, often inappropriate, and sometimes, unpredictable mood states. In the past this disorder was called manic-depression. The term "manic-depress...
The average duration of the first manic episode is about three months. Manic episodes be further divided into different gradients of severity. In contrast to typical major depression, the depressive episodes of bipolar disorder often occur acutely, can take place over a few weeks and without signif...
Bipolar disorder has the highest rate of suicide of all psychiatric conditions and is approximately 20–30 times that of the general population. The p
BD-II:Criteria met for at least one current or past hypomanic episode and a major depressive episode. There should be no manic episodes. Cyclothymic disorder:Hypomania symptoms that do not meet the criteria for hypomanic episodes and depressive symptoms that do not meet the criteria for major ...
BD-II: Criteria met for at least one current or past hypomanic episode and a major depressive episode; no manic episodes. Cyclothymic disorder: Hypomanic symptoms that do not meet the criteria for hypomanic episodes and depressive symptoms that do not meet the criteria for major depressive episo...
The ICD-9-CM includes 2 codes not present in the DSM-IV: 296.1 (manic disorder, recurrent episode) and 296.81 (atypical manic disorder). The code 296.89 includes bipolar II disorder in DSM-IV, whereas in ICD-9-CM, it refers to manic-depressive psychosis mixed type. Comorbidity was ...
Overall, the above raises the further question if it should be considered a distinct form of bipolar disorder if one or another affective state in a mixed episode is sufficiently demarcated in rapid form. Further deducing, is ultra-rapid/ultradian cycling just a different term for p...
Both subtypes impact daily functioning, with the severity of manic episodes distinguishing the two [1]. The average age of onset for bipolar I disorder is 18 years, while for bipolar II disorder, it is 20 years [2]. The prevalence of bipolar disorder is similar for both males and females...