and may be granted in cases of financial need (seeour open access policies for journalsfor more information). All applications for discretionary APC waivers and discounts should be made at the point of manuscript submission; requests made during the review process or after acceptance are unable to...
In the present era, biotechnology has become a powerful and innovative tool for generating biofuels with minimal harm to the environment. This review seeks to evaluate the capabilities of biotechnological applications in creating a beneficial pathway that encompasses the entire process of sustainable biofu...
Therefore, comprehensive and multimodal chromatin maps could be used to predict cell lineage or state commitment before the transcriptional program has been activated. The chromatin regulatory principles include co-binding of multiple epigenetic factors such as transcription factors, and co-occurrence of ...
During the long co-evolution process, various interactions were formed between Microcystis and its attached bacteria. Among them, nutrient exchange is one of the most common interactions between photosynthetic cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria (Kouzuma and Watanabe 2015). Soluble organic carbons ...
process on the choice of technology, systematic benchmarking efforts have been performed for sample preparation protocols1and single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) technologies2. However, such efforts are still lacking for chromatin accessibility profiling technologies3, such as single-cell assay for ...
The below guidance only refers to the writing process, and not to the use of AI tools to analyse and draw insights from data as part of the research process. Where authors use generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process, authors should only use...
The field of synthetic biology has taken shape from the notion of applying engineering principles to design novel biological traits that are enabled by multiple genes whose products interact with each other to process biological signals, akin to how electronic circuits are capable of processing electric...
For the applying of eco-principles, a quantitative measure for sustainability in technology was developed (sustainable process index), which will enable us to design the new technology paradigm called Eco Tech. Ecological security and social equity, together with economic efficiency will define ...
studiesareakeytothepreventionandtreatmentofCNV.Researchin CNVanimalmodelsisessentialineyediseases.Severalmainmethodsof CNVmodelspreparationaresummarizedinthisreview. Keywords:Corneal,Vascularization,Model,Preparation Introduction Vasculogenesisisanaturalprocessassociatedwith ...
SectionIMolecularHybridizationandBlottingTechniqueAphenomenonortechniqueofformingaheteroduplexfromtwocomplementarypolynucleotidestrandsfromdifferentsources(DNAandDNA;DNAandRNA;RNAandRNA)1.MolecularHybridizationRelatedconceptions/principlesDNAdenaturationDNArenaturation ...