Despite focusing on the right question, the precautionary principle fails to provide a workable answer. The precautionary principle is overly ambiguous, and any attempt to further refine the precautionary principle would require resolving issues that would deprive the principle of much of its support. ...
The integration of natural science and organisms, cells, parts thereof and molecular analogies for products and services is called biotechnology. Two principles are: (i) Genetic Engineering (ii) To maintain the microbial contamination free (sterile
As Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC), represented by ChatGPT, is transforming traditional academic research and paper writing, Biotechnology Bulletin hereby makes the following declaration to maintain academic integrity and research transparency: (1) In principle, the journal does not ...
where he remarks that prominent researchers like Galilei, Torricelli and Stahl knew very well that “reason only understands that which it produces after its own design”. Giambattista Vico'sverum factumprinciple from 1710 —“The criterion and the rule for the true is to have made it” — is...
usingoligonucleotideswith randomizedpromoter sequencespreceding a region with homology to the target gene. The second methodology is based on the same principle, but instead of using oligonucleotides with randomized promoter sequences and with homology to the target gene, a derivative of the λPLbacteri...
The fundamental principle of fermentation Technology is that organisms are created under optimal conditions using raw ingredients that meet all of the required parameters, such as carbon, nitrogen, minerals, vitamins, salts, and trace elements. Pharmaceuticals, energy, materials, food, and chemicals ...
In principle, in silico methods can annotate structures not present in all current structure databases, overcoming the boundaries of known (bio)chemistry: databases of hypothetical compound structures can be generated combinatorially19,20,21, by modifying existing metabolite structures22,23, or through ...
This is important, for a couple of reasons. The first is practical. The lack of a patent means that the technology will in principle be available to anyone who wants to use it. If seeds end up being produced (and if the crop passes the relevant regulatory hurdles), they can be planted...
Bradford M: A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Anal Biochem 1976, 72:248-254. Page 12 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) http-equiv="content-type" ...
The principle is as follows: In a bioelectric system (electro-bioreactor), organic substances are oxidized by heterotrophic microorganisms adhering to an anode (electroactive biofilm). The electrons released at the cathode are used for the electrochemical reduction of metal cations to pure metals in ...