1、准备PCR反应体系:将DNA模板、引物、DNA聚合酶、缓冲液和dNTPs等反应组分混合在一起,并加入适量的水。 2、PCR仪的温度程序:根据所需的扩增条件,设置PCR仪的温度程序,包括初始变性、循环变性、退火和延伸等步骤。 3、加载反应混合液:将PCR反应混合液分装到PCR管或板中。 4、开始PCR反应:将PCR管或板放入PCR仪,...
CFX Qualification Plate — 96-Well Plate Format Product Insert 10022527 Amplification Plastics and Reagents Selection Guide 10021337 Instruction Manual, CFX96 Touch™, CFX96 Touch Deep Well, CFX Connect™, and CFX384 Touch™ Real-Time PCR Detection Systems, Instruction Manual, Rev E ...
地址 上海市浦东新区东方路18号,保利广场E栋3楼 200120 电话/手机 800-820-5567,021-61698500 在线咨询 邮箱 sales.china@bio-rad.com 官网 www.bio-rad.com 联系人 总访问 102121 半年访问 38 产品 伯乐生命医学产品(上海)有限公司共有82条产品信息 ...
1.在程序编辑控制窗口中,点击Insert Gradient,图2。 2.对梯度中最低和最高温度值进行编辑,在图形模式,文本模式下或出现在文本模式右侧的梯度范 围计算器中直接点击数值进行编辑,图3。 3.在梯度范围计算器中,对任何一行都可以赋予一个指定的温度。每行的温度都会调整为合适的温 度来满足指定的温度范围。 增加熔...
2. Insert gel(s) into the clamp assembly of the cell. Refer to the Mini-PROTEAN 3 cell or the Mini-PROTEAN 3 Dodeca cell manual for complete instructions. Section 6 Product Information Catalog Number 165-4110 Description Mini-PROTEAN 3 Multi-Casting Chamber includes 8 acrylic blocks and 15 ...
10028782 One-Step RT-ddPCR Kit for Probes Product Insert, Rev B 10031986 ddPCR Library Quantification Kit for Illumina TruSeq Product Insert, Rev C 10033630 ddPCR Library Quantification Kit for Ion Torrent Product Insert, Rev B 10040718 Droplet Generation Oil for Probes Product Insert 10040717...
monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the analytes listed in this package insert.SUMMARY AND PRINCIPLEThe use of quality control materials is indicated as an objective assessment of the precision of methods and techniques in use and is an integral part of good laboratory ...
monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the analytes listed in the package insert.SUMMARY AND PRINCIPLEThe use of quality control materials is indicated as an objective assessment of the precision of methods and techniques in use and is an integral part of good laboratory practices...