质量管理 数据管理系统 EQAS/能力验证 质控品 确认和验证 食品和饮料检测 食品和饮料安全检测 兽医诊断 水质检测 Tutorials Webinars 药物滥用质控品 我的eInserts 一系列全面的多分析物、基于人类尿液的质控品,旨在监测筛查、半定量以及确认药物滥用测试过程的精确...
用于监视蛋白质和其他分析物测试方法精密度的产品,包括用于自身免疫疾病的标志物。 带 Vista 值的 2D 条形码现在可用于 Liquichek 免疫学和 Liquichek 脑脊液质控品,可在 www.myeinserts.com 获取
Register lab profile Set up EQAS online account Access barcode generator, linearity, my eInserts XML Register Your Privacy Matters Before you visit, we want to let you know we use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. To learn more about how we use cookies, please review our Co...
Life Science Support Find resources to help you with your Bio-Rad products on our Support page. E-mail Support and Request Forms Fill out this form to request a SDS for a specific product or material. Contact Us Find phone numbers and customer service emails on our Contact Us page.Follow...
//www.myeinserts.com/52470修訂日期 2014-02-19 表示已修改的資料頁碼 1 • 2013-06 • 3200-00 /Chinese (Traditional) 繁體中文方法 (1)濃度 1 - 52471 濃度 2 - 52472 (2) 濃度 3 - 52473 (2)單位 均值 範圍 均值 範圍 均值 範圍8ADNAS E B (ANTIDEOXYRIBONU CLEAS E-B)Beckman Coul ...
Bio-Rad EQAS 质量评估程序参与书说明书 External Quality Assurance Services Participate in an internationally recognized quality assessment program EQAS
human plasma based • 8 parameters or external assessment o laboratory coagulation test per ormance • 12-month cycle Analytes Antithrombin III (ATIII) APTT Fibrinogen INR Protein C Protein S PT Thrombin Time (TT) Re er to myeinserts com or the package insert or current analyte claims ....
• 2 year shel li e at -20°C to -70°C Analytes CK-MB Isoenzyme Homocysteine* Myoglobin Troponin I *No claim is made or expected values or stability. For speci c analyte, open-vial stability, methods, mean values and ranges, re er to the package inserts o currently available lots ...
通过P.A.C.E.批准的QC实验室专业人员的支持计划,帮助您进一步提升质控水平。 立即访问 eInserts My eInserts是一种在线工具,可随时查看Bio-Rad质控产品说明书。 查看My eInserts QC目录 帮助您了解Bio-Rad质控产品和服务的最新信息。 下载 质控品 应用领域 值得信赖的独立质控品合作伙伴 出...