Hence the objectives of this research are to develop and produce biodegradable plastic that will substitute the existing non-biodegradable plastic using banana peels, to help in saving the environment as well as to compare the properties of biodegradable plastic based on banana peel wi...
PRODUCTION OF BIOPLASTIC FROM BANANA PEELSSupriya Nandlal KanoujiyaShivani Kakkar KhannaJETIR(www.jetir.org)
Films made with potato peels exhibited superior moisture content, swelling, and water solubility resistance compared to those made from banana peels. Sorbitol-plasticized films had higher water resistance and lower hygroscopicity than glycerol-plasticized films due to stronger hydrogen bonding. Chemical ...
They have been made from biomass such as sugarcane, corn, wheat, rice, banana peels, etc. Such desirable properties are also present in PHAs (polyhydroxyalkanoates) synthesized by microorganisms. Several types of PHAs have been discovered from bacteria and used as a bioplastic candidate. However...