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The rise of the mechanistic worldview in the seventeenth century had a major impact on views of biological generation. Many seventeenth century naturalists
BMC Evolutionary Biology BioMed Central Research article Open Access Thermal evolution of gene expression profiles in Drosophila subobscura Hafid Laayouni1,2, Francisco García-Franco1, Blanca E Chávez-Sandoval1, Vincenzo Trotta3, Sergi Beltran4,5, Montserrat Corominas4 and Mauro Santos*1 Address: ...
3rd edition. Columbia University Press, New York, 364 p. Sample chapter-in-book citation: Crawford DC and Howard-Peebles PN (2005) Fragile X: From cytogenetics to molecular genetics. In: Gersen SL and Keagle MB (eds) The Principles of Clinical Cytogenetics. 2nd edition. Humana Press, New...
I focus on the following questions: (i) have giant lobelioids evolved from herbaceous ancestors several times inde- pendently?; (ii) when and where did the giant habit evolve?; and (iii) is the life form and geographic distribu- tion phylogenetically conservative? To address these ques- ...
Anatomical and cognitive adaptations to overcome morpho-mechanical limitations of laryngeal sound production, where body size and the related vocal apparatus dimensions determine the fundamental frequency, increase vocal diversity across taxa. Elephants
Potential doublets were scrutinized using Scrublet from the scran package (1.14.6)66, and marker gene expression was used to assess whether a hybrid transcriptome could mimic the cell type in focus; these analyses did not lead to further removal of cell-associated barcodes. Clustering...
3rd edition. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers 2002. Google Scholar Sakuma S, Pourkheirandish M, Matsumoto T, Koba T, Komatsuda T: Duplication of a well-conserved homeodomain-leucine zipper transcription factor gene in barley generates a copy with more specific functions. ...