TOKYOPOP would! Ai is an outspoken, outrageous, controversial celebrity (withwings!), so it wasn't hard to find incredible stories from people who love her, hate her and love to hateby Lisa A. UrryMichael L. CainSteven A. WassermanPeterMinorskyJane B. Reece...
This book focuses readers on the function of plants and the role they play in our world. The authors emphasize the scientific method to help readers develop the critical thinking skills they need to make sound decisions throughout life. This focus on how plants work and the development of crit...
BMC Evolutionary Biology BioMed Central Research article Open Access Thermal evolution of gene expression profiles in Drosophila subobscura Hafid Laayouni1,2, Francisco García-Franco1, Blanca E Chávez-Sandoval1, Vincenzo Trotta3, Sergi Beltran4,5, Montserrat Corominas4 and Mauro Santos*1 Address: ...
In this article, we focus on the three-tier top-down model to predict enzyme function till the sub-class level and also share results from a direct one-step approach to predict the same. The former model comprises of three layers: the first layer classifies enzymes and non-enzymes, the se...
The enormously productive field of molecular switches was opened by the discovery of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, serving a mechanism in molecular signaling [20]. The role of redox switches came into focus more recently, foremost the dynamic role of cysteines in proteins, opening the field of ...
2nd edition. Humana Press, New Jersey, pp 495-513. Sample electronic article citation: Gotzek D, Ross KG (2009) Current status of a model System: The gene Gp-9 and its association with social organization in fire ants. PLoS One 4:e7713. h) Internet Resources Section: this section ...
I focus on the following questions: (i) have giant lobelioids evolved from herbaceous ancestors several times inde- pendently?; (ii) when and where did the giant habit evolve?; and (iii) is the life form and geographic distribu- tion phylogenetically conservative? To address these ques- ...
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Models of cellular molecular systems are built from components such as biochemical reactions (including interactions between ligands and membrane-bound proteins), conformational changes and active and passive transport. A discrete, stochastic description
Little is known about health risks associated with electronic cigarette (EC) use although EC are rising in popularity and have been advocated as a means to quit smoking cigarettes. Methods Ten never-smokers, without exposure history to tobacco products or EC, were assessed at baseline with questio...