et al. Hsc70/Hsp90 chaperone machinery mediates ATP-dependent RISC loading of small RNA duplexes. Mol. Cell 39, 292–299 (2010). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Miyoshi, K., Miyoshi, T., Hartig, J. V., Siomi, H. & Siomi, M. C. Molecular mechanisms that funnel RNA precursors ...
Module scores were calculated by the expression levels of gene lists specific for ILC1-3, HSC/CLP (hematopoietic stem cell/common lymphoid progenitor) and nILC (naïve ILC) and visualized by UMAPs. Blue to red represent levels of expression of the gene list in each feature plot. Expression...
Furthermore, Cu-modulated autophagy marker proteins, including sequestosome-1 (p62), heat shock cognate proteins (Hsc 70, Hsc 90), lysosome-associated membrane protein (LAMP-2A), and AMP-associated protein kinase (AMPK). Conclusion This study promotes the nutraceutical ability of quercetin to ...
Structural and Biological Interaction of hsc-70 Protein with Phosphatidylserine in Endosomal Microautophagy Kateryna Morozova, Cristina C. Clement, Susmita Kaushik, Barbara Stiller, ... Laura Santambrogio26 August 2016 Pages 18096-18106 View PDF Article preview select article Membrane-anchored carbonic anhy...
HSC 215: Exam 2 Practice Test & quiz questions 67個詞語 lonussa93 預覽 Lewis 55: Nervous System 21個詞語 DogMamaof3 預覽 quiz 3 20個詞語 smit648 預覽 Chapter 10: Muscle Tissue and Organization 90個詞語 rufevanMSU 預覽 Blood 17個詞語 KelseyEskins 預覽 Appendicular Skeleton and Joint Function...
(HSC: CD34+EGR1−), progenitor cells (Prog: CD34+EGR1+), granulocyte-macrophage precursors (GMP: CD34−CD14−), and monocytes (Mono: CD34−CD14+). Promonocytes (Promono) were also included in the initial analysis but were discarded given the low prediction performance observed for ...
(HSC: CD34+EGR1−), progenitor cells (Prog: CD34+EGR1+), granulocyte-macrophage precursors (GMP: CD34−CD14−), and monocytes (Mono: CD34−CD14+). Promonocytes (Promono) were also included in the initial analysis but were discarded given the low prediction performance observed for ...
The calculations were done on NVIDIA A100 GPUs, on computers running CentOS Linux 7. We used GCC [87] version 10.2.0 and CUDA version 11.1.1-GCC-10.2.0 [88]. We processed the resulting PDB-formatted model files with Biopython’s PDB module [89]....
Conditional knockout of JAK2 leads to bone marrow failure, increased apoptosis, and loss of quiescence in HSC-enriched cells.32,50,51 On the other hand, gain-of-function (GOF) mutations in JAK2 are specifically associated with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). Examples of these neoplasms ...
A precursor-specific role for Hsp40/Hsc70 during tail-anchored protein integration at the endoplasmic reticulum. J. Biol. Chem. 283, 27504–27513 (2008). CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Aschtgen, M. S., Zoued, A., Lloubes, R., Journet, L. & Cascales, E. The C-tail ...