it is important in the clinical context to i) lock the pipeline so that packages are not inadvertently updated; ii) examine whether the changes in the new version are relevant to the clinical pipelines (eg, by adding a newly needed functionality or fixing a critical bug) and, if so, iii...
Bioconductor version is not up-to-date The recipebioconductor-gofuncr/meta.yamlis using Bioconductor version3.18, while the latest available version is3.19. Please update the recipe to use the latest Bioconductor version to maintain compatibility and include any potential bug fixes or improvements. ...
I have updated the package and pushed the new version to Bioconductor. I made a version bump in DESCRIPTION, but there is no build initiated. Could you please help with this? Thanks! Contributor lshep commented Oct 4, 2022 once its accepted it will not be a build on demand. It gets ...
BWA, an iterative version ofBowtie(bowtie-int) and an iterative version ofBWA(bwa-int). We developed iterative versions of theBowtieandBWAalignments to avoid situations where gRNAs are mapping to hundreds of loci in the genome, considerably slowing down the off-target search when ...
The original miRBase version of the candidate miRNAs is always missing or is not provided in most actual cases. The function checkMiRNAVersion() can be applied firstly to check the most probable miRBase version number for the list of miRNAs. Then we use the miRNA accession (as the ...
The original miRBase version of the candidate miRNAs is always missing or is not provided in most actual cases. The function checkMiRNAVersion() can be applied firstly to check the most probable miRBase version number for the list of miRNAs. Then we use the miRNA accession (as the ...
library(BiocManager)BiocManager::install(ask=FALSE) for the Fall build it's slightly different library(BiocManager)BiocManager::install(version="devel",ask=FALSE) 7. Clone and modify AnnotationDbi or AnnotationForge There is always the possibility that either AnnotationForge or AnnotationDbi will need to...
You can installlibrarianfrom CRAN or from GitHub. The GitHub version is under constant development, but it has more features and it is stable for use (it's the one I personally use, after all). Major features that are currentlyMISSINGfrom the CRAN release:No new features are missing, but...
BiocManager::install("impute", version = "3.8") I've copied below the problems that I had, the way I work around this by installing the two bioconductor packages manually and the sessionInfo()... sorry the session is a bit messy. I've been using the pacman package and it has been ...
I'm not sure why this does not work. The key is BiocManager::repositories(), which determines the repositories where R looks for packages. R choose the first repository where it finds the package (maybe of equivalent version, not exactly sure...). The first argument to repositories() can...