Biochemical activities of berberine, palmatine and sanguinarine mediating chemical de- fence against microorganisms and herbivores. Phytochemistry 1997; 44: 257-66.Schmeller T, Latz-Bruning B, Wink M. Biochemical activities of berberine, palmatine and sanguinarine mediating chemical defence against ...
Biochemical activities of terrestrial microorganisms in simulated planetary environments interim report, 1 feb. - 31 jul. 1963BIOCHEMISTRYLOW TEMPERATUREMICROORGANISMSPLANETARY ENVIRONMENTSTERRESTRIAL PLANETSNo Abstract AvailableSilver, SNASA (non Center Specific)...
Substrate composition affects the processes of OM transformation, microbial biomass activity, and composition. The mixture of wood chips and compost presented the highest enzyme activities during the incubation period, and might be the most appropriate for its application as a Technosol. The mixture of...
Chinn, S. H. F., 1973, Effect of eight fungicides on microbial activities in soil as measured by a bioassay method,Can. J. Microbiol.19: 771. ArticlePubMedCASGoogle Scholar Clark, C., Schmidt, E. L., 1966, Effect of mixed culture onNitrosomonas europaeasimulated by uptake and utilizatio...
In fish cultivation using an aquarium with circulating system, one of the most important factors is the quality of breeding water, which depends primarily on the biochemical activities of the microorganisms in the aquarium. The present s... A Kawai,Y Yoshida,M Kimata - 《Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi...
[81,82]. This increase is related to the metabolic activities of microorganisms in kefir grains. During the fermentation enzymes such asβ-glycosidase derived from the fermentative microorganisms are responsible for hydrolyzing complex phenolic compounds and increasing the amount of total phenols. Further...
of pH and temperature are still required for a wide range of uses. Studies of protease and amylase have been reported in plants5,6,7, insects8,9, microorganisms10,11and fish12,13,14,15,16,17,18. The data report various enzyme activities, biochemical properties, and molecular weights of ...
Esterase, esterase lipase, lipase, valine aminopeptidase, phosphoamidase, β-glucuronidase, and β-glucosidase were the activities found in all strains tested; they were strain-dependent and ranged between 1 and 5 by the API ZYM test. The same strains produced various concentrations of acid in ...
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To understand the role of microorganisms in the functioning of forest ecosystems, the structure of bacterial communities and the enzymatic activity were de