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BIO-UV Group conçoit et commercialise des appareils de désinfection par ultraviolets, ozone et AOP. Des solutions certifiées et éco-responsables.
BIO-UV Group and its US engineering and servicing partner, The Columbia Group, have been selected to develop a ballast water treatment system for the US Navy. The contract follows an international call for tenders to develop a military version of a UV ballast water disinfection system to equip...
BIO UV Group的研发费用复合年均增长率(10年)排名为第NM-名,处于板块内-的水平。下表提供了更多数据的摘要: 板块工业的研发费用复合年均增长率(10年) 经济风险区类别 发达 全部成分股 646 包括的成分股 620 分钟 -13.4% 最大值 33.4% 中位数 3.5% 平均值 4.4% 标准差 7.6% 用本选股器选股器,可以找到具有...
BIO UV的预期无杠杆自由现金流(fcf)复合年均增长率(5年)无意义。. 查看BIO UV Group的预期无杠杆自由现金流(FCF)复合年均增长率(5年)趋势、图表等
Bio-UV Group is an industrial building in Lunel, Arrondissement of Montpellier, Occitanie which is located on Avenue Louis Medard. Mapcarta, the open map.
申请/注册号:G1400825申请日期:2018-05-10国际分类:第11类-灯具空调商标申请人:BIO-UVGROUP办理/代理机构:- PUREBIO UV商标注册申请 申请/注册号:53968922申请日期:2021-03-02国际分类:第35类-广告销售商标申请人:株式会社璞欧丽;PURELYCO.LTD办理/代理机构:深圳中一联合知识产权代理有限公司 PUREBIO UV商标注册申...
BIO-UV Group received IMO approval for the BIO-SEA M-Series in September 2021. “Technically, the core components and disinfection performance of the M-Series are identical to the B-Series, which received IMO approval in 2017 and USCG type approval in 2018. But because we have designed a ...
Steven Matthew (Photo: BIO-UV Group) BIO-UV Group, the France-headquartered manufacturer of the fully type-approved BIO-SEA ballast water management system, has appointed Steven Matthew to head up the company’s new sales office in Hong Kong. ...
By Carla Brown, Manager, Corporate Communications – Circular Economy Specialist, Siegwerk Druckfarben AG & Co. A note from RadTech: The RadTech Sustainability Committee is embarking on our group’s sustainability journey, and we thank Carla Brown, manag