Stock BIO-UV GROUP Common Stock FR0013345493 ALXP Euronext Growth Paris Live Euronext cours de bourse, cotation temps réel, graphiques et communiqués réglementés
BIO-UV Group conçoit et commercialise des appareils de désinfection par ultraviolets, ozone et AOP. Des solutions certifiées et éco-responsables.
BIO-UV Group and its US engineering and servicing partner, The Columbia Group, have been selected to develop a ballast water treatment system for the US Navy. The contract follows an international call for tenders to develop a military version of a UV ballast water disinfection system to equip...
BIO UV Group的研发费用复合年均增长率(10年)排名为第NM-名,处于板块内-的水平。下表提供了更多数据的摘要: 板块工业的研发费用复合年均增长率(10年) 经济风险区类别 发达 全部成分股 646 包括的成分股 620 分钟 -13.4% 最大值 33.4% 中位数 3.5% 平均值 4.4% 标准差 7.6% 用本选股器选股器,可以找到具有...
BIO UV Group债务成本(税后) 搜索公司或ETF 价格 2.05EUR 公允价值 –EUR 看涨 – 52周范围 1.45 - 3.24 分析 财政年度 以下为BIO UV Group债务成本(税后)数据要点 : - 表现汇总 BIO UV的债务成本(税后)是6.0% 相比竞争对手,BIO UV的债务成本(税后)基准如何?
Bio-UV Group is an industrial building in Lunel, Arrondissement of Montpellier, Occitanie which is located on Avenue Louis Medard. Mapcarta, the open map.
BIO-UV Group, the France-headquartered manufacturer of the fully type-approved BIO-SEA ballast water management system, has appointed Steven Matthew to head up the company’s new sales office in Hong Kong. While Matthew’s focus initially will be on increasing sales of the UV-based BIO-SEA ...
BIO-SEA by BIO-UV Group has a range of IMO and USCG approved Ballast Water Treatment Solutions to suit all ship types and all flow rate requirements Aller au contenu principal Safe, Simple, Sustainable Ballast Water Treatment Developed by BIO-UV Group, BIO-SEA is the shipping industry’s...
bio-rad伯乐 ChemiDoc XRS+化学发光成像系统货号:170-8265 ChemiDoc XRS+ 系统是化学发光、荧光和比色成像应用中,*快的全自动检测系统,由 Image Lab 软件控制,自动完成图像采集和数据分析。 ž 5种模式:反射白光、透射UV302nm(254nm、365nm选配)、透射白光(选配) 、适用化学发光的光源、紫外光/蓝光转换屏(选...