相信Bio-Rad将帮助您成功高质量实验室。 QC工作手册 通过P.A.C.E.批准的QC实验室专业人员的支持计划,帮助您进一步提升质控水平。 立即访问 eInserts My eInserts是一种在线工具,可随时查看Bio-Rad质控产品说明书。 查看My eInserts QC目录 帮助您了解Bio-Rad质控产品和服务的最新信息。 下载 ...
Bio-Rad is a global leader in developing and manufacturing a wide range of products for the life science research and clinical diagnostic markets.
通过Bio-Rad的室间质量评估计划(EQAS),评估您实验室的性能质量,并提高对患者检测结果的信心。 线性品 一种验证工具,可根据参考和共识组数据绘制您的值,以基于线性回归统计数据推荐报告范围,从而提高检测结果的可靠性。点击登录。 资源 QC目录 帮助您了解Bio-Rad质控产品和服务的最新信息。 eInserts My eInserts...
Bio-Rad is a global leader in developing and manufacturing a wide range of products for the life science research and clinical diagnostic markets.
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Product Inserts (506) Brochures and Specifications (466) Product Information Sheets (422) Other (286) Protocols (261) Articles and Whitepapers (123) Instructions for Use (IFU) (79) Scientific Posters (64) Quality Management Systems Certificates (54) Catalogs (17) Bibliography (7...
Product Inserts(506) Brochures and Specifications(471) Show more Application Protein Analysis/Profiling(2719) Metabolism/Mitochondria(1740) Biomarker Discovery(1703) Genomics(1601) Protein Purification(1501) Show more Technologies Immunoassays(2013)
Bio-Rad EQAS 质量评估程序参与书说明书 External Quality Assurance Services Participate in an internationally recognized quality assessment program EQAS
BIO-RAD的心脏病标志物质控品 Bio-Rad Laboratories C a r d I a C a s s e s s m e n t C O n t r O l s Cardiac Assessment Controls Dedicated to Monitoring the Precision of Troponin I and Homocysteine at Low Levels
“Bio-Rad is the best way to monitor my QC along with peers. Unity Real Time is a huge help.” Laboratory Professional Hospital Laboratory Resources QC Articles Whether you are looking to learn more about the value of independent, third-party quality controls or to optimize your QC processes...