Bio-Rad is a global leader in developing and manufacturing a wide range of products for the life science research and clinical diagnostic markets.
QC solutions designed to improve workflow and efficiency, minimize risk and costly errors, maintain compliance and accreditation, and produce consistent results while running a cutting-edge lab—that’s the Bio-Rad promise.
To maintain system security and integrity, use of this system is limited to Bio-Rad authorized customers only. Activities on the system are audited for compliance with ourPrivacy PolicyandTerms of Use, and system login is expressed consent to such auditing. Any unauthorized access or inappropriate...
Bio-Rad Laboratories, a global provider of life science research and clinical diagnostic products, expanded the compatibility of its newest cardiac control,Cardiac Advance, to now include Beckman-Coulter instruments. Designed to monitor the precision of instrument testing for cardiac events,...
接着,通过视频方式,IH-QC血型质控品首次揭开神秘面纱,完成Bio-Rad在国内免疫血液学检测领域「抗体检测整体解决方案」的拼图。 线上嘉宾同步见证IH-QC的揭幕,共同了开启免疫血液学质控品“随心质,控全局”的新模式时代。 03 IH-QC究竟是...
QC Data Submission Calendar 2025 calendar 2024 calendarYour Privacy Matters Before you visit, we want to let you know we use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. To learn more about how we use cookies, please review our Cookie Policy, accessible from the Manage Preferences link ...
In the event of damage to packaging, contact the local Bio-Rad Laboratories Sales Off i ce or Bio-Rad Laboratories Technical Services.LIMITATIONS 1. This product should not be used past the expiration date. 2. If there is evidence of microbial contamination or excessive turbidity in the ...
monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the analytes listed in the package insert.SUMMARY AND PRINCIPLEThe use of quality control materials is indicated as an objective assessment of the precision of methods and techniques in use and is an integral part of good laboratory practices...
Conveniently upload insert values directly onto instruments. Standard Vials Bio-Rad's leading QC product configuration is designed for manual aliquoting and loading. Ideal configuration for low to moderate throughput labs. Bio-Rad QC Product Benefits Multi-analyte controls offer consolidation and ...
valoripubblicatisull’insertosolocomeguida. Consultareilsitowww.qcnet.itperinformazionisull’aggiornamentodell’inserto. CARATTERISTICHE Questoèunprodottoliofilostabilizzatopreparatosottounrigidocontrollostandarddiqualità.Perottenereunaconsistenteuniformitàdi risultatidaflaconeaflacone,siraccomandaunacorretta...