Quote of the DayLoved this quote I got in my Quote of the Day RSS Feed by H. L. Mencken (no idea who he is though):...Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 06/17/2004Commerce ChatInterested in discussing FP1, SP3 and the future roadmap of Commerce Server? Then join the Commerce......
Like a Beautiful Day at the Spa for your ride home. Take care of your ride as though it were yourself. So next time your car looks like it’s been through a tornado, the dog, and then some sandwiches from the week before, remember the friendly fellows in San Miguel Ranch who are re...
Closed Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025 3:59 p.m. EST Delayed quote $ 7.96 -0.25 -3.05% Previous Close $8.21 Toggle Chart Options Advanced Charting Range Dropdown $ % Vol Volume: 9.67K 65 Day Avg: 30.9K 31% vs Avg 7.55 Day Range 8.13 6.50 52 Week Range 21.95 ...
angularjs2-intro answer-cypress-question api-testing-with-server-logs app-loaded applicative-intuition appliers archives ariel-rider-ebike asking-coworkers assertions async-angular-filter async-functions-in-sw async-using-generators automatically-publish-to-npm avoid-cypress-pyramid-of-doom ...
'cause i think zero is the most fascinating concept. there was no symbol for zero in european culture for hundreds of thousands of years. i don't know the exact figures, don't quote me on that. but zero, there was no symbol for it because it represents the abyss, it r...
$315 + HST (1/2 week) All bin rentals include: 1 tonne of debris ($125 per additional tonne) *Additional fuel surcharge may apply for out of town pick-up and delivery. Please contact us for details. Quote,order or pick up:
Reply | Quote Michael Bieda AskWoody Plus January 23, 2024 at 3:14 pm #2630799 Options First, using a browser, any browser, to select the news of-the-day should always be considered a biased endeavor. If a source is biased in the direction the reader is biased and that’s agreeable...
The fact that it isn't really deterministic also makes me annoyed because results keep varying every time I search for the same thing and I go "wait. I swear it was something different before." ••• More options Report Add bookmark Share Upvote 37 (39 / -2) Quote ...
The money quote would be: Those results from Google are then more likely to show up on Bing. Put another way, some Bing results increasingly look like an incomplete, stale version of Google results—a cheap imitation. Perhaps why Google finds this so annoying is that it allows Microsoft to...
Translating a sentence is much the same like translating a phrase; you can just quote the sentence into one argument: $ trans :zh "To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow," $ trans :zh 'To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,' It is also possible to translate multi-line sentenc...