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It's a quote divided by users - so i think it's like 100 per day or something. The advanced bing speech recognition is what you'd want to use if you need more. How you know is you get a message that says the quota is done. fxrtst PRO USA #8 Apr 2021 — Edited Apr 2021 ...
Quote from: sacherjj on February 28, 2015, 09:47:28 pm A MIG welder (GMAW and FCAW) is a constant voltage device. This is the welder with wire fed out the gun and the current varies to keep the voltage constant, making up the differences in arc distance. A stick we...
Chandler is said to be “droll,”“dry,” and “a wry observer of everyone’s life.” (“You know what’s weird? Donald Duck never wore pants. But whenever he’s getting out of the shower, he always puts a towel around his waist. I mean, what is...
Quote: Originally Posted bygerrit You might have it backwards. Uber has a fleet of cars roaming nearly every major city, 24 hours a day. Uber is in a unique position to pop a rooftop ornament with gps, lidar and a camera on the roof of those cars, and creat...
Bing-Neel syndrome (BNS) is a rare presentation of Waldenström macroglobulinemia (WM). BNS is a consequence of the central nervous system (CNS) involvement by lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL) and, rarely, the peripheral nervous system. The data on BNS are extremely scarce. Therefore, we per...
We want to share our knowledge, so all of us have our blogs (e.g. on Wordpress) and our Evernote accounts, but why can not those two be one! ... 3. How to install Leanote Leanote contains: Leanote Web & Server (this repository),Desktop app,iOS,Android. And all the products...
usleep() 函数延迟代码执行若干微秒。 unpack() 函数从二进制字符串对数据进行解包。 uniqid() 函数基于以微秒计的当前时间,生成一个唯一的 ID。 time_sleep_until() 函数延迟代码执行直到指定的时间。 time_nanosleep() 函数延迟代码执行若干秒和纳秒。