使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
Bing的Translation API 接入 参考: https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/mt146806.aspx 首先你需要一个Microsoft的帐号,如果没有在这里注册一下 https://signup.live.com/signup 感叹一下微软的验证码复杂的绝对比12306牛逼。 注册成功 当然免费用户每个月有200w字符的翻译限制。 一、注册帐号 Microsoft Az...
https://datamarket.azure.com/account 这里可以随时查看自己的 ID和密钥 二、订阅翻译API 这里订阅www.aka.ms/TranslatorADM 三、注册你的应用程序 https://datamarket.azure.com/home 填写信息 但是一直卡在这里 DataMarket and Data Services are being retired and will stop accepting new orders after 12/31...
Whether the translation result contains raw response from Bing API. userAgent Type:string The header value ofuser-agentused in API requests. Refer tosrc/config.json#userAgentfor the default user agent. proxyAgents Type:Got['Agents']Default:undefinedSince:v2.4.0 ...
translatormobile-appwindows-phonegoogle-translatebing-translategoogle-traslate-apibing-translate-api UpdatedMay 22, 2017 C# A node.js translator which uses Bing Translation API in the background , stores the translation results in cache memory to prevent regular hits to API . ...
本api用于获取Bing每日一图,可随机抽取最近8天图片 API请求地址:https://api.1314.cool/bingimg 本...
Bing Web Search API returns a SearchResponse object in the response body, which contains the search results.
You can change the tier of service anytime. Please make sure you use appropriate keys in your API calls. If you are having enterprise agreement with Microsoft, please work with your account executive. On February 16, 2023, we announced a price change for all of the Bing Search APIs. The...
If the power app is shared with another user, connection is shared as well. For more information, please see the Connectors overview for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs展开表 NameTypeDescriptionRequired API Key securestring API Key True API Endpoint string API Endpoint ...
public abstract BingVideoSearchAPI withAcceptLanguage(String acceptLanguage) Sets Gets or sets the preferred language for the response.. Parameters: acceptLanguage - the acceptLanguage value. Returns: the service client itselfwithGenerateClientRequestId public abstract BingVideoSearchAPI withGenerateClient...