translatormobile-appwindows-phonegoogle-translatebing-translategoogle-traslate-apibing-translate-api UpdatedMay 22, 2017 C# A program to help speed up (hopefully) translation of manga. Forked for some improvements. ocrtranslationmangatesseract-ocryandex-translategeckodriverjishogoogle-translatebing-translatepap...
The company i work for is looking to utilize the Bing Translator API into our mobile sync app. I have three general questions about the Bing Translator API 1. Is there any cost to leveraging Bing Translator in a Windows, Android, or iOS application? 2. What are the limitations or requirem...
This parameter defines the number of possible translations that the API should return to you. Example of use:trans = translator.get_translations("Speak", "pt", 2) print (trans)The return will be something like this:{'Translations': [{'MatchDegree': 100, 'Rating': 5, 'MatchedOriginalText...
Microsoft Translator V3 Mime Automation (Independent Publisher) Mintlify (Independent Publisher) MintNFT (Independent Publisher) Miro (Independent Publisher) Mistral (Independent Publisher) Mitto Mobili Stotele MobilyWS MOBSIM Send SMS Mockaroo (Independent Publisher) Mockster ModuleQ [已弃用] monday mond...
translator application using Tesseract Optical Character Recognition(OCR) Engine to retrieve the Chinese characters from the image,then translate it using a translator on the Bing API.This application will running on mobile phone.So the user could use image or mobile phone camera as an input.The ...
Working with the Bing Translator API 项目 2010/08/03 An online translator really isn’t all that new. They’ve been around for at least 8 years or so. I remember the days when I would use Babelfish for all of my fun translations. It was a great way to get an immediate translation...
bing translator api 浙江省高等学校教师教育理论培训 微信搜索“毛凌志岗前心得”小程序 博客园::首页::新随笔::联系::订阅::管理 12653 随笔 :: 2 文章 :: 617 评论 ::608万阅读 公告 本站大量内容为转载,一般都保留原链接,如果侵犯了你的权益,请以各种方式联系我,我会第一时间修正。浙江省高校青年教师...
Translator’s open cloud API can be integrated into any platform. Translator works across devices and operating systems, in client and web applications. The service adapts to enterprise workflows and products, and is included in Microsoft Office products. For high-security scenarios, an on premises...
If Bing Translator does not work then you need to either update your web browser, clear the cache or disable browser extensions among other things.