Clinton blew it on bin Laden: ex-CIA officialRobert Novak
Lawmakers on key committees can view the photos of the al Qaeda leader's body, but only at CIA headquarters.
The CIAreleased a new batch of filesseized during the May 2011raid on Osama bin Laden's compound, revealing new details about the al Qaeda leader's activities behind the high walls surrounding the house in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and how he directed the terror group. The massive amount of n...
CIA vs. Bin Laden. 20 years after 9/11 and 10 years after his death. The most revealing documentary ever produced about the 10 year hunt for Osama Bin Laden by the Central Intelligence Agency. We interview former Directors, CIA case ...See more Read more: Plot summary Directors Marek...
A single CIA prototype for an Osama bin Laden doll is being sold by auction on Nov. 20, and online bidding is now open. The doll was part of a 2005 secret project called "Devil Eyes," and the CIA intended to distribute the dolls across Afghanistan to scare Afghan children into ...
Trapani added, “History has been a key element of CIA’s social media efforts; on the fifth anniversary, it is appropriate to remember the day and honor all those who had a hand in this achievement.” What do you think of the CIA’s method for marking the bin Laden raid – a pointl...
Lyrics:“They funded Al-Qaeda, and now they blame the Muslim religion/Even though Bin Laden, was a CIA tactician/They gave him billions of dollars, and they funded his purpose/Fahrenheit 9/11, that's just scratching the surface.” Complex says:“Bin Laden” is one of Tech’s signature ...
February 23, 2012 Seventeen local health workers have been fired in Abbottabad for their part in a CIA scheme to try to confirm the presence of Osama bin Laden in the northern Pakistani town. The low-ranking health department employees were punished for helping Dr Shakil Afridi, who was assign...
I want to prove you that Barack Obama is lying and Osama bin Laden is dead since 2001. But before going further, please allow me to present you the real Osama bin Laden and his connections to CIA and the Bush family. There are direct historical links between Osama bin Laden’s business...
Pakistani prison authorities have moved the jailed doctor believed to have helped the CIA hunt down Osama bin Laden, his attorney said on Saturday, speculating it could be a prelude to his release. The continued imprisonment of Dr. Shakil Afridi has long been a source of tension between Pakista...