bin Laden Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Related to bin Laden:Saddam Hussein bin La·den (bĭn lä′dən),OsamaorUsamaBorn 1957. Saudi Arabian-born leader of al-Qaeda who established training camps in Sudan and later Afghanistan where Islamist militants were trained to carry out attacks to...
Osama bin laden was born in Saudi Arabia in 1955, father is Saudi Arabia gitai the richest construction tycoon arvada, have to bin laden. His father to accumulate 50 billion dollars of construction house, osama bin laden inherited 3 · 5 billion dollars and will become he was funding terroris...
Osama bin Laden: Early Life Osama bin Laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 1957 or 1958. He was the 17th of 52 children born to Mohammed bin Laden, a Yemeni immigrant who owned the largest construction company in the Saudi kingdom. Young Osama had a privileged, cosseted upbringing...
Related to Binladen:Saddam Hussein ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. Osama bin Laden- Arab terrorist who established al-Qaeda (born in 1957) bin Laden,Usama bin Laden Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Far...
Osama bin Laden: Early Life Osama bin Laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 1957 or 1958. He was the 17th of 52 children born to Mohammed bin Laden, a Yemeni immigrant who owned the largest construction company in the Saudi kingdom. Young Osama had a privileged, cosseted upbringing....
and he owned a construction company. Being a Muslim, Mohammed Bin Laden was a father to 54 children and 22 wives. Mohammed's eldest son was Salem. Salem took over and expanded his father's business following his death. However, Salem died in 1968 following an aviation accident. His success...
Laden,” the president said. Laden,” the president said. Osama Bin Laden Osama Bin Laden Born in Jeddah Born in Jeddah Saudi Arabia, in 1957 Saudi Arabia, in 1957 The 17th child of a Saudi construction The 17th child of a Saudi construction ...
has implicated three of the country's richest people, including Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the kingdom's second- and fifth-wealthiest people, as well as a travel-agency mogul and Bakr bin Laden, Osama bin Laden's brother and a scion of a one of the country's biggest construction empires...
Fellow SEAL Matt Bissonnette also claims to have shot bin Laden. FromThe Daily Beast Yet I had serious trouble understanding how to cheer on the news of Bin Laden or anyone else dying. FromThe Daily Beast In the mid-1990s, some visitors did begin to show up due to the construction effor...
SomethingaboutBinLaden •OsamabinLadenwasborninawealthyconstructionfamilyinSaudiArabiainMarch10,1957.•BinLadenonceworkedasengineers,andheearnedhisfortunefromoiltradeandconstruction.Hispersonalpropertyisestimatedatseveralbilliondollars.•Helikeshorseriding,judo(柔道)andclimbingmountains.HisfavouriteactorwasLi...