需要注意的是,即使签发提单的条款未规定高于租约的船东义务,不代表租船人完全避免了违反本条款的风险。以签发CONGENBILL 2022标准条款为例,其背面条款第七条“法律与仲裁条款”(Law and Arbitration Clause)规定本提单适用租约的法律和仲裁约定。如提单持有人未遵守提单中的法律与仲裁条款,设法在倾向于保护货方的国家或...
需要注意的是,即使签发提单的条款未规定高于租约的船东义务,不代表租船人完全避免了违反本条款的风险。以签发CONGENBILL 2022标准条款为例,其背面条款第七条“法律与仲裁条款”(Law and Arbitration Clause)规定本提单适用租约的法律和仲裁约定。如提单持有人未遵守提单中的法律与仲裁条款,设法在倾向于保护货方的国家或...
10. Replacing the law and arbitration clauses of the original contract with BIMCO Law and Arbitration Clause 2020. For the first time, BIMCO Arbitration Clause 2020 listed Hong Kong, alongside London, New York and Singapore, as ...
Examination of the choices of governing law and arbitration Overview and analysis of dispute resolution options and their pros and cons Non-performance; Force Majeure, total loss, Buyer’s breach, Seller’s breach Entire Agreement clause Payment consideratio...
本周,CTX新西兰办公室律师Ronel Bridge对程租合同或期租合同的BIMCO传染病条款(BIMCO Infectious or Contagious Diseases Clause for Voyage and Time Charter Parties)提供了她的见解。 问(David Di):你可能注意到了,最近武汉的流感在航运界引起了很大的关注,其中之一就是后附的Bimco传染病条款(见文末链接)。
London-based partner Nick Austin explores the main drivers behind the Baltic and International Maritime Council’s (BIMCO) new law and arbitration clause, commenting on its multijurisdictional approach and the impact of the changes to the clause on the shipping industry. ...
and advising in relation to transactions, Andrew has handled litigation before the English High Court and arbitrations under the LMAA terms, LOF salvage, GAFTA and ICC. He lectures regularly in the UK and in international conferences on charter parties and other aspects of shipping law. He has ...
(a> ensuring that the Vessel complies with the requirements of the law of the Flag State。4647(b> ensuring compliance with the ISM Code。48(c> ensuring compliance with the ISPS Code。4950(d> providing competent personnel to supervise the maintenance and general efficiency of the Vessel。
Detailed and clarified speed and performance clause. 对航速和性能条款进行细化和阐明 · A broad choice of law and arbitration options – New York/US law; London/English law; Singapore/Singapore or English law; or a free choice agreed by the parties. 可广泛选择管辖和仲裁的法律适用——纽约/美国...
BIMCO charter parties are also regularly updated to reflect changes in the market and in the law. For example, the clause for time charter parties regarding infectious or contagious diseases clause updated to 2022 version to replace the previous (2015) clause to provide the industry with a ...