如果会员对此有任何疑问,请联系他们的抗辩险日常联系人。 (来源:北英保赔协会;原文题目:BIMCO Force Majeure Clause 2022;原文发布日期:2022/07/28) * The translation is for reference only. Please refer to the original English version. And the views presented hereabove are only those of the author and...
In March 2022, the last Consultation Edition was issued. After the deletion of the force majeure clauses on which all parties had never been able to agree, all important clauses were finally widely accepted by the industries. ...
BIMCO’s Force Majeure Clause 2022 was published earlier this year. The aim of the clause is to address force majeure events occurring under contracts used by the shipping industry that affect a party’s ability to perform the contract. As detailed in our earlier articlehere, we considered what...
Discuss the use and effect of the “BIMCO Force Majeure Clause 2022”. 了解不可抗力和合同受阻的法律原则 学习如何甄别和评定不可抗力和受阻事件 为处理不可抗力和受阻事件制定策略 了解租船合同中不可抗力和合同受阻的法律意义和效果,包括货物买卖合同引起...
BIMCO adopted four new clauses to help shipping companies comply with the European Union's Emissions Trading System, which comes into force in January. A new clause in the shipmanagement agreement, Shipman, helps allocate the costs and responsibilities of EU ETS compliance between owners and manager...
29. BIMCOMLCClauseforSHIPMAN2009FORthepurposeofthisclause:本條款的目的:MLCmeanstheInternationalLabourOrganisation(ILO)MaritimeLabourConvention(MLC2006)andanyamendmenttheretosubstitutionthereof.MLC是指國際勞工組織(ILO)通過的海事勞工公約(MLC2006)和所作的任何修改及任何替代。Shipownershallmeanthepartynamedasshipowner...
Ranging from a new ship conversion contract, sanctions and force majeure clauses, ship financing documents, and LNG bunker terms, to documents ready to be used in connection with autonomous ships, just to mention a few. There is...
COVID-19 and force majeure – after consideration both concepts were intentionally omitted recycling/further trading – not relevant for most transactions but BIMCO is developing a free-standing clause to deal with this issue for parties who require it ...
Force Majeure Clauses in the international maritime trade MARPOL’s EEXI and CII regulations and the BIMCO Clauses The BIMCO Bunker Clauses Infectious or Contagious Diseases Clauses BIMCO Maritime Security Contracts 修船合同 冰冻区航行与适用于定期/航次租船...
COVID-19 and force majeure – after consideration both concepts were intentionally omitted recycling/further trading – not relevant for most transactions but BIMCO is developing a free-standing clause to deal with this issue for parties who require it ...