BIMCO’s Documentary Committee adopted a new Emission Trading Scheme Allowances Clause for BIMCO’s ship management agreement, SHIPMAN, and three ETS clauses for Voyage Charter Parties which were published on 8 December. The clauses aim to facilitate ... BIMCO已经发布的其他碳条款包括用于ETSA定期租船合同条款,航次租船合同CII条款,定期租船合同CII运营条款,以及定期租船合同EEXI过渡条款。
These guidance notes are intended to provide an insight into the thinking behind the BIMCO Emissions Trading System Allowances (ETSA) Clause for Time Charter Parties 2022. They also explain how the clause is intended to operate ...
所有4个BIMCO条款,以及伴随的解释性说明,均可在此处获取:BIMCO条款 BIMCO已经发布的其他碳条款包括用于ETSA定期租船合同条款,航次租船合同CII条款,定期租船合同CII运营条款,以及定期租船合同EEXI过渡条款。 END 中国船检独家文章,转请注明出处“中国船检”...
承租人必须从船东那里获得他们需要的数据,以计算其排放所需的配额。因此,船东和承租人之间的合作对于确保及时共享数据和信息以遵守上述强制性义务至关重要。ETSA 条款的工作原理是转移配额,而不是向所有者补偿配额成本,以避免价格波动。 BIMCO's ETSA Clause for Time Charter Parties 2022...
BIMCO says its new ETS clauses have been developed for use with any applicable emission scheme, including, but not limited to, the EU ETS. This has been done to ensure that the clause can be used with other programs that may come into force in the future....
BIMCO adopted four new clauses to help shipping companies comply with the European Union's Emissions Trading System, which comes into force in January. A new clause in the shipmanagement agreement, Shipman, helps allocate the costs and responsibilities of EU ETS compliance between owners and ...
BIMCO’s new ETS clauses have been developed for use with any applicable emission scheme, including, but not limited to, the EU ETS. This is done to ensure that the clause can be used with other schemes that may come into force in the future. ...
BIMCO’s new ETS clauses have been developed for use with any applicable emission scheme, including, but not limited to, the EU ETS. This is done to ensure that the clause can be used with other schemes that may come into force in the future. ...
·定期租船合同ETSA碳排放交易计划配额条款(ETSA Clause for Time Charter Parties) ·航次租船合同CII条款(CII Clause for Voyage Charter Parties) ·定期租船合同CII运营条款(CII Operations Clause for Time Charter Parties) ·定期租船合同EEXI过渡条款(EEXI Transition Clause for Time Charter Parties)...